[新闻] Father's hunch saves toddler, wife fro

楼主: Brad255 (曾经)   2015-02-05 18:36:09
Father's hunch saves toddler, wife from TransAsia plane crash
As they took their seats on a TransAsia Airways flight that crashed in
Taipei on Wednesday, Lin Ming-wei and his young family were looking forward
to a vacation.
But a noise made Lin uneasy, and shortly before take-off, he asked cabin
staff if they could take an empty row on the rear right hand side of the
plane, which was bound for Kinmen, an island in the Taiwan Strait, local
media reported.
Minutes later, Lin was fighting his way out of the plane's wreckage and
searching frantically for his toddler in the shallow, murky waters of the
Keelung River.
He searched for three minutes and when he found him, his lips were blue and
his heart wasn't beating. Lin gave him CPR.
但他嘴唇变蓝 没有心跳,林先生给他CPR急救
"He is my only child. I absolutely have to save his life —I can't lose him,"
the Liberty Times newspaper quoted him as saying.
His son survived, as did his wife, although both are being treated in
hospital. Lin emerged unscathed and was the only one of 15 survivors that
didn't need medical treatment.
“他是我唯一的孩子,我一定要让他活下去 我不能失去他”-引述自由时报
Lin puts his family's survival down to the last-minute decision to switch
Initial reports indicated that it was the left side of the turboprop plane
which was seriously damaged in the crash, Taiwan's Central News Agency
reported. The Lins were originally seated on the left.
A rescue worker from the Taipei Fire Department, who was one of the first on
the scene, said the cabin was already chest-deep in water when he entered.
"Many passengers were tangled up in their seat belts and hung upside down,"
the Taipei Times quoted him as saying.
Huang Chin-shun, a 72-year-old man, said he helped save four lives by
unclipping safety belts.
"Shortly after taking off, I felt something was not right," he told CNN
affiliate ETTV. "I thought: 'something's wrong with the engine,' because I
always take this flight."
A total of 13 people were saved in the initial rescue effort but progress
slowed and water had completely filled the fuselage by evening, when a crane
lifted it from the water.
Huang Chin-shun一名72岁老人,帮忙解开了4名乘客安全带
“起飞没多久,我觉得怪怪的,我常常坐这台飞机 我想是引擎有问题”
13个人被成功救出,但晚间时,河水慢慢淹入机舱 让救援进度变得缓慢
The Lins were not the only ones to have a lucky escape.
As the out-of-control plane spiraled into the river on the outskirts of the
island's capital, it clipped a taxi traveling along an elevated highway.
The 52-year-old driver, surnamed Huang, and his female passenger sustained
only minor injuries from shattered fragments of windshield glass.
Photographs showed a yellow Volkswagen vehicle with a flattened windshield
and engine hood.
According to the Taipei Times, Chou said his family did not believe him at
first when he telephoned home to say: "I'm OK. My car got into a crash, it
was hit by an aeroplane."
起出 驾驶的家人并不相信他被飞机撞到
“我没事,但我的车被飞机撞到了” 他说
4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
这篇写的很详尽 国外媒体就是赞
那个爸爸真的超感人的QQ 在CNN是头版
作者: freemail (freemail)   2015-02-05 18:37:00
作者: ray90910 (秋风夜雨)   2015-02-05 18:37:00
作者: lsgqlsgq (lsgqlsgq)   2015-02-05 18:38:00
作者: Cold5566 (Cold5566)   2015-02-05 18:40:00
作者: Puribaw (木瓜群)   2015-02-05 18:41:00
最强的老爸 救人的老妇也很厉害
作者: SaoirseH (沙织)   2015-02-05 18:41:00
作者: xxKWANxx   2015-02-05 18:42:00
天祐台湾 不要再发生空难
作者: SaoirseH (沙织)   2015-02-05 18:43:00
作者: BeckyPH (Be)   2015-02-05 18:44:00
帮忙解了四位乘客安全带的老人也很厉害 反应很快
作者: ckpioneer (风)   2015-02-05 18:44:00
作者: enemaaa (浣肠aa)   2015-02-05 18:45:00
作者: kathyyya (我每次都赢绿绿!)   2015-02-05 19:36:00

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