saveme (hihi)
2015-02-04 00:45:03※ 引述《pauljet (喷射机)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《quartics (Smart is the new Sexy)》之铭言:
: : 1952旧金山和约生效后, 日本放弃台湾主权,没有收受国,
: : 此时台湾主权就已经决定,属于台湾住民所有,
: : 台湾未定的是国家地位, 此乃因为中华民国政府流亡台湾,还宣称拥有中国大陆,
: : 要名正言顺成为实质独立国家需先摆脱中华民国流亡政府的纠缠,
: : 也就是重新制宪,修宪及法律把目前跟中国大陆有关的全部删除,
: : 明订台湾为主权独立国家,领土范围就是台澎,金门马祖不属于旧金山和约台湾范围.
: : 因此金马马祖可透过公投决定要加入台湾或中华人民共和国.
: : 如果金马决定加入台湾,那领土范围就是台澎金马.
: 我们来讨论一下北方四岛
: 北方四岛是日本放弃主权
: 但是没指定收受国
: 也就是苏联
: 所以北方四岛应独立这样?
In Article 2 of the Peace Treaty, Japan renounced right, title and claim to Ko
rea, Formosa, the Kuriles, Sakhalin, the Mandated Islands, Antarctic area, the
Spratly Islands and the Paracel Islands. It may be inferred that ultimate Jap
anese sovereignty was recognized over the islands she agreed to place in trust
eeship. This conception was conceded by Mr. Dulles (page 78, Dept. State
Publication 4392)8and by Mr. Younger, the U.K. delegate (page 93, Dept. State
Publication 4392). Mr. Dulles speaks of the current Japanese position as “res
idual sovereignty”.
置于托管制度.这个概念由杜勒斯和英国的委任代表杨格先生所承认(page 78,93,美国国
The Potsdam Proclamation, paragraph (8), reads “The terms of the Cairo Declar
ation shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the is
lands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku, and such minor islands as we deter
mine.” The Cairo Declaration referred specifically only to “the territories
Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa and the Pescador
es”, although it did add “Japan will also be expelled from all other territo
ries which she has taken by violence and greed.” The San Francisco Peace Trea
ty amounts to a “determination” by the Allied Powers as to the “minor islan
ds” which Japan is to renounce. By its terms Japan renounced (a) certain isla
nds off Korea; (b) Formosa and the Pescadores; (c)
the Kurile Islands, South Sakhalin and adjacent islands; (d) the League of Nat
ion’s Mandate System; (e) the Antarctic area; and (f) the Spratley and Parace
l Islands. In other words, the Treaty appears to be an implementation of the p
recise terms of the Potsdam Proclamation rather than an attempt to carry out t
he vague provision of the Cairo Declaration regarding territories taken by vio
lence and greed.
The United States cannot consistently take the position that Japan has not ren
ounced the Kuriles, any more than she could take the position that she had not
renounced Formosa and the Pescadores. She must, in view of the position taken
by the Secretary and by the United States Senate, contend that their disposit
ion is for future international action. It would be perfectly consistent for t
he United States to support Japan in the argument that these islands, or part
of them, should be returned to Japan by international action, such as an accor
d among the Allied Powers, including the Soviet Union.
The Secretary reminded Mr. Shigemitsu that the Kuriles and Ryukyus were handle
d in the same manner under the surrender terms and that while the United State
s had by the peace treaty agreed that residual sovereignty to the Ryukyus migh
t remain with Japan, we had also stipulated by Article 26 that if Japan gave b
etter terms to Russia we could demand the same terms for
ourselves. That would mean that if Japan recognized that the Soviet Union was
entitled to full sovereignty over the Kuriles we would assume that we were equ
ally entitled to full sovereignty over the Ryukyus.
国务卿提醒重光揆先生 千岛群岛和琉球在投降条款的处理是相同的方式且当美国在和平