※ 引述《lovea (lovea)》之铭言:
: 柯P指表没用 英官员:这是珍贵的礼物
: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/politics/20150126/549039
: 台北市长柯文哲今接见来访的英国交通部长Baroness Kramer时,Kramer赠送柯一支怀表
: ,怎知柯会后说自己不戴表,还笑称拿去破铜烂铁卖点钱,“因为那个对我来说没用”。
: Kramer今透过英国驻台单位发声明表示,“我很抱歉。我们每天都学到新的知识。我之前
: 完全不知道这样一个礼物会有其它非正面的看法。在英国,一个怀表礼物是珍贵的(
: precious ),因为我们都知道时间的重要性。”
: Kramer说,“这礼物来自于英国上议院,必须为议员身分才可取得。是一份特殊的物品。
: 我很荣幸此次能与柯市长会面。我们期待与他及他的市府团队有更多的交流合作。”
: “I’m sorry. We learn something new each day. I had no idea a gift like this
: could be seen as anything other than positive: In the UK a watch is precious
: - because nothing is more important than time.
: The gift came from the House of Lords – which is only accessible to members
: of the UK’s upper parliament. It is a very unique item.
: It was a huge honour to meet Mayor Ko. We look forward to working with him
: and his team in Taipei.”
: (陈郁仁/台北报导)
我认为郭董真的可以马上复工了 跟柯p计较真的是找错对向XD
柯P:请远雄回答 XD