fun5566 (8卦板译人打赏箱没钱)
2014-12-21 02:45:561.媒体来源:
Nuclear disaster evacuees sue TEPCO
核灾难撤离人员们 对东京电力公司提起诉讼
Dec. 19, 2014 - Updated 18:49 UTC+8
People who were evacuated from Minami-soma City in northeastern Japan have
sued Tokyo Electric Power Company. Damages of more than 6.8 billion yen, or
57 million dollars, are sought for being forced to leave their hometown due
to the 2011 nuclear accident.
从日本东北部的南相马市城市撤离的人们 已经对东京电力公司提起诉讼。
因为2011年核事故 而被迫离开自己的家乡,
超过 68 亿日元,或 5700 万美金的损害赔偿金,是被征求/请求的。
The city in Fukushima Prefecture is located about 20 kilometers from the
damaged plant.
On Friday, 340 residents of the city's Odaka district filed suit with the
Tokyo District Court against TEPCO. The entire district is designated as a
no-entry zone and residents still must live elsewhere three years and nine
months after the accident.
The damages the evacuees are demanding include a doubling of the monthly
evacuation compensation per capita of around 1,700 dollars and about 84,000
dollars per head for destruction of the basis for living conditions.
撤离者们要求的损害赔偿金包括双倍的每个月的撤离赔偿金按人计算的大约1,700 美元和
因为破坏基础的生活条件 每头约 84,000 美元
They claim they have been deprived of their ancestral land and history and
that residents' bonds have been totally severed.
Isao Enei, who heads the plaintiffs' group, told reporters that the nuclear
accident has deprived them of their hometowns, prevented family gatherings,
and undermined even their lives. He also said evacuees are under greater
TEPCO said in a statement that the utility will deal with the suit in earnest
after hearing the plaintiffs' claims in court.
4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
(1) 翻译若有误,请更正一下,谢谢! 不会都无误吧?
(2) 核四若爆炸的话,要如何索赔?
(3) 前几天考的 103年地方特考
科目: 电子学大意 (只改了数字)
若所加杂质浓度为 3.777330626 x 10^15 /cm^3,且硅在室温的本质浓度为
1.45 x 10^10 / cm^3 ,则此半导体在室温时的电子浓度约为:_________。
me friend没有正确答案,给第一个答案跟me friend答案一样的 这篇一半的P币