also500 (查理)
2014-10-02 02:16:47※ 引述《Allen0315 (大Allen艾伦)》之铭言:
: 1.媒体来源:
: 独立媒体
: http://www.inmediahk.net/node/1026680
: 2.完整新闻标题/内文:
: 台湾媒体出现“宣传指示”,淡化香港占中运动
: (独媒特约报导)
: 近日有报导指,台湾媒体对香港占中冷处理,引起学者及评论人批评。
: 独媒取得一份据说是“今日新闻网”(NOWnews)的备忘录,
: 类似大陆媒体内部常见的“宣传指示”,内容相当详细,
: 包括“不报太多,不要太突出”、“不要有攻击大陆对港政策”等等。
: 同时,指示中亦提及“询问过合作伙伴”,但并无明确指出“合作伙伴”是谁。
: 该份“宣传指示”全文为:
: “麻烦各中心,有关香港占中的报导,我已经询问过合作伙伴,
: 建议低调、平衡、客观报导。所谓的低调就是不报太多,不要太突出;
: 平衡就是不能只报学生行动,还要有大陆官方声明,也要报香港官方态度;
: 客观即不要有偏向占中者的倾向性,特别是台湾独派势力声援香港占中行动慎报。
: 最重要的是注意不要有攻击大陆对港政策,甚至反驳对台一国两制的内容,
: 不要有台湾太阳花对香港的支持,以及更不能否定大陆对台方针政策的相关内容。”
: 3.新闻连结:
: http://www.inmediahk.net/node/1026680
果然台湾媒体每次有意无意地对类似新闻避重就轻 戕害台湾人的视野
希望大家可以帮高调 分享给更多外国朋友知道
The news is talking about why Taiwanese media do not follow HK protest
closely or even ignore it. Then I translated the full content of this
"publicity indication memo", hope you can realize how disappointing Taiwanese
medium are!
Full Contents:
"I've asked the partner (the memo didn't mention who or what the partner is)
about the report of HK occupy central, and they suggest us to stay low-key,
balance and objective when reporting the news. "Stay low key" means do not
report too many, too prominent. "Balance" means report not only about the
students' action but also China's, HK's official statement. "Objective" means
do not tend to protester's position, especially the supporting action of
Taiwan's pro-independence people, please report it cautiously. And the most
important is do not criticize China's policy towards HK, even not to refute
the content of China's Taiwanese policy "One country, two system". Do not
appear the supporting from Taiwan's Sunflower Student Movement, and then, do
not negative the interrelated content of China's policy towards Taiwan."