2014-08-11 01:31:54查英英字典 这样不是很不合理?
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pare :
1 to cut off the outer coating, layer, or part of.
2. to remove (an outer coating, layer, or part) by cutting (often followed by
off or away ).
3. to reduce or remove by or as by cutting; diminish or decrease gradually
(often followed by down ): to pare down one's expenses.
假设看不懂 coat :
1. an outer garment with sleeves, covering at least the upper part of the body:
a new fur coat; a coat for formal wear.
2. a natural integument or covering, as the hair, fur, or wool of an animal, the
bark of a tree, or the skin of a fruit.
3. a layer of anything that covers a surface: That wall needs another coat of
4. a mucous layer covering or lining an organ or connected parts, as on the
有没对非母语人士 英英解释 = 无穷递回的八卦