Re: [新闻] 经济自由化停滞不前 华尔街日报批台湾“

楼主: always0410 (everything)   2014-08-06 17:49:16
: 推 mmzznnxxbbcc:求原文 为什么新闻后面都变成经济部强调 经济部分析 08/06 17:16
标题: Taiwan Leaves Itself Behind
副标题:Ratifying a pact with China is the first step to diversified trade.
Taiwan's leaders have warned for years that economic isolation will damage
the nation's competitiveness. Now their worst fears may be coming true, and
the consequences of resisting freer trade and economic reform are becoming
Later this year China and South Korea plan to finalize a free-trade agreement
that will give most South Korean products zero-tariff entry into the
mainland. That's a problem for Taiwan because both countries count China as
their largest trading partner, and their exporters compete head-to-head.
Between 50% and 80% of Taiwan's exports—from petrochemicals to steel,
textiles to machinery—overlap with South Korea's.
If the deal goes through as expected, roughly 2% to 5% of all of Taiwan's
exports to China could be replaced by South Korean products, according to the
Ministry of Economic Affairs. Businesses with thin profit margins such as
makers of flat panels and machinery are at risk of being priced out of the
mainland market.
Meanwhile, Taiwan's latest trade pact with China signed last year sits in
limbo after the student-led "sunflower movement" stymied its ratification by
the legislature this spring. Protesters stoked anxieties that Taiwan is in
danger of being swallowed up by China as its businesses become increasingly
dependent on the mainland.
It's certainly true that the two economies are deeply intertwined; 80% of
Taiwan's foreign investment and 40% of its exports go to the mainland.
However, placing obstacles in the way of trade and investment won't solve the
Since China is an integral part of global supply chains, Taiwan only hurts
itself if it preserves barriers to cross-Strait trade. Beijing has also
signalled it will lobby against Taiwan's participation in multilateral pacts
such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership if Taipei doesn't first liberalize with
China. So the road to less reliance on China paradoxically runs through
Taiwan has made some progress on bilateral trade. But pacts with Singapore
and New Zealand over the past year, while welcome, govern less than $30
billion in annual two-way exchange. A South Korea-China FTA threatens up to
$49 billion of Taiwan's exports, according to the Ministry of Economic
Ratifying the cross-Strait services pact now in limbo would pave the way for
a goods trade agreement. It would also show that Taipei has the ability to
ratify and implement trade accords it has signed.
In the meantime, Taipei has started to liberalize the domestic economy in
line with reforms required by TPP. That deal currently involves 12 nations
and 40% of the world's output. Neither Taiwan nor South Korea currently
participates in the negotiations, but both have expressed interest in joining.
Here, too, Seoul has the advantage, having already signed a free-trade
agreement with the U.S. with an eye on many of the stringent TPP
requirements. If Taiwan rewrites outdated regulations and rolls back
restrictions on investment, it can promote domestic competitiveness and
signal that Taipei is serious about joining the TPP.
But first Taiwan's lawmakers have a chance to use a special legislative
session this week to pass a bill promised to protesters to monitor
cross-Strait treaties, and then ratify the cross-Strait services trade pact.
As trade barriers among Taiwan's neighbors fall, failing to do so will
further isolate the island.
作者: gino0717 (gino0717)   2014-08-06 17:51:00
作者: Cervelo1995 (........)   2014-08-06 17:51:00
没人说不签, 是签的过程政府完全乱搞阿
作者: allen0080 (漫漫长路)   2014-08-06 17:51:00
作者: darksaber   2014-08-06 17:51:00
作者: rookiecop   2014-08-06 17:53:00
放 Review & Outlook 算是什么? 专栏? 主编评论?
作者: germing   2014-08-06 17:55:00
美国有所谓的季辛吉路线 一惯亲中 一生访中六七十次 他的路线也有众多继承人 有的媒体会为中国发声 还有就是中韩谈了N年 中台只谈一年
作者: takuminauki (蚊子)   2014-08-06 18:02:00
中韩2012年才正式谈判 根本没好几年韩美FTA只谈15个月...
作者: sading7 (sading7)   2014-08-06 18:04:00
蚊子又在瞎扯 美韩FTA谈判时程网络上都查得到
作者: germing   2014-08-06 18:04:00
2005年博鳌论谈就开始讨论了然后年年官方办共同研究会 不满意还可打回重谈 台湾是一字不能改 绝不能重谈 想殖民就说吧
作者: takuminauki (蚊子)   2014-08-06 18:07:00
韩美2006年2月正式谈判 2007年4月签订出处 童振源<<台湾经济关键下一步>>时间要从正式谈判算起 童教授的书也是这样算
作者: KimJongUn (金正恩)   2014-08-06 18:13:00
作者: takuminauki (蚊子)   2014-08-06 18:14:00
不管写的是谁 都是事实 TPP美国官员讲白了 请先大开放跟美国签FTA也一定是自己要先开台湾在国际地位不明 内部又内耗恶斗 离亡国不远
作者: germing   2014-08-06 18:20:00

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