Re: [新闻] 亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆边界冲突 或酿战祸

楼主: GGGGYYYY (嗯嗯)   2014-08-04 13:49:02
这妹妹很厉害 俄语超好 英语和日语程度也很不错 让鲁蛇我很汗颜@@"
她是这样回答我的: (当然这是以她身为亚美尼亚人的观点来评论的)
Well that's difficult question, because I don't know if what I say is
objective or not. I will try to be most objective I can.
Actually Azerbaijan is rich country, they have oil and the country is near the
Caspian sea. That's very good for economy, but their government is corrupted
even more than our's and that's why people are mainly poor. Actually both of
us would live better if our governments spent less money on army and buying
stuff to kill each other, but unfortunately it is not possible in this moment
The problem between Armenia and Azerbaijan is because of Artsakh or Kharabagh.
We say it is "freed Artsakz" and they say it is "occupied Kharabagh". It is a
bit difficult to explain, actually everything started when USSR stop existing
and Azerbaijan said that Artsakh belongs to them, then Armenians decided to
fight for it and freed Artsakh from Azerbaijan, but there is no peace
declaration after war, just "not shutting", but usually there are being shuts
almost every day. The point is, that Azerbaijan want one more war to take
Artsakh, and we don't want any war, but if they attack we need to defend
ourselves. Now, they don't want just Artsakh, they want Armenia to stop existi
ng. That's sad ...
I understand that they are mad because they lost the war, but still I want to
live ... I think you can read a lot about it in internet, but mainly Armenian
side says it is all their fault and Azerbaijan side says it is all our fault.
Both sides say very bad things about each other. The war was really bloody,
lot of people died and I am scared to think that something like that can
happen again.
大意就是说 苏联瓦解后 就两个国家就为了边界的土地所属在打仗
亚赛拜然虽然有资源 位置也不错 但因为有个XX的政府 所以人民也不富裕
亚美尼亚的政府也花了太多钱在军事上 但这是没办法的事 四周不是异教国就是世仇
如果这些钱能花在社会民生上 亚美尼亚人的生活会过得更好
作者: Coolistx   2014-08-04 13:49:00
作者: floyyed (☛′▽‵)′▽‵)☛UCCU)   2014-08-04 13:50:00
作者: a33071201   2014-08-04 13:50:00
作者: gino0717 (gino0717)   2014-08-04 13:53:00
作者: ganlinian (恶茜是好人~~*.*)   2014-08-04 13:59:00
问一下Yerevan 是个怎样的城市
作者: Energiya (走进新时代)   2014-08-04 14:05:00
Yerevan还满漂亮的 不过夏天跟台湾一样热....
楼主: GGGGYYYY (嗯嗯)   2014-08-04 14:09:00
这个妹妹就住Yerevan 她常说整个亚美尼亚就像一本历史书

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