Fw: [新闻] 摘水果工人面临到处充斥的剥削(有台湾人)

楼主: summerleaves (内湖全联先生)   2014-06-18 21:32:38
※ [本文转录自 PublicIssue 看板 #1JePGMVv ]
作者: leefengyuh (妍皮不裹痴骨) 看板: PublicIssue
标题: [情报] 台湾背包客登上澳洲新闻
时间: Wed Jun 18 21:28:51 2014
@ Australian Broadcasting Corporation http://ppt.cc/A8gk (内有新闻影片)
Fruitpickers face rife exploitation according to Ombudsman
调查官员: 摘水果工人面临到处充斥的剥削
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcast: 18/06/2014
Reporter: David Lewis
Exploitation of backpackers and workers with poor English skills is rife
within the horticulture industry and the Fair Work Ombudsman is giving strong
warnings about some fruit picker employers.
园艺农业充斥着对英语能力不佳的背包客的剥削 调查官员为此 对果园农场主发出警

SARAH FERGUSON, PRESENTER: Each year, more than 100,000 foreigners come to
Australia on working holiday visas, hoping no doubt
for the adventure of a lifetime.
主播: 每年有10万外国人持打工度假签证入境 无疑的希望能有一生一次的冒险之旅
Backpackers wanting to extend their stay are required to work for 88 days in
regional areas and many end up picking fruit.
背包客若要延长停留澳洲时间 依规定就需要在乡下地区工作88天 很多背包客最终选
But exploitation within the horticultural industry is rife and those with
poor English skills can be easy targets.
但是园艺农业充斥着对英语能力不佳的背包客的剥削 他们是容易受害的对象
Some employers are now openly advertising jobs for Asians only, prompting
strong warnings from the Fair Work Ombudsman.
一些果园雇主只对亚洲人发出工作招聘广告 促使了公平工作委员会的调查官员对此
David Lewis reports.
DAVID LEWIS, REPORTER: It's 7 am and the strawberries on this farm in
Caboolture, north of Brisbane, are ripe for the picking.
Much of the delicate work is performed by backpackers,
some of whom waited months for a job here after escaping
exploitation elsewhere.
记者: 现在是早上7点 昆士兰省北方 的草莓园的产季
一些人在逃离了剥削之后 在此等工作等了数个月
Claire from Taiwan recently quit her job picking tomatoes in Bundaberg.
来自台湾的Claire 最近辞掉了在 Bundaberg的摘番茄工作
CLAIRE, FRUIT PICKER: We just get $7 a day and we need to spend maybe six
hours a day to pick tomatoes.
台女CLAIRE, 摘果工人: 我们每天工作6小时 只拿到 7元
DAVID LEWIS: And you only got $7 for a day's work?
记者: 一天工作只拿到7元?
CLAIRE: Yeah, only.
台女: 是的
DAVID LEWIS: The wage was paid in cash by a labour hire contractor who also
charged her $125 rent each week for a mattress on the floor.
记者: 工资由工作中介以现金付 且中介索价每周125元的住宿费
CLAIRE: The house just like a pig live there. Very dirty and very messy
because everything is black because of soil, yeah.
台女 : 房子像猪舍 非常脏乱 沾满泥土 都黑黑的
DAVID LEWIS: And how many people were in the house?
记者: 一个房子住多少人?
CLAIRE: Oh, how many people? About 25. Because almost they are Koreans and
they living in living room.
台女 : 约25人 大多是韩国人 且他们住在客厅
DAVID LEWIS: William is also from Taiwan and claims to have been underpaid
while picking on a nearby strawberry farm.
记者: William 也来自台湾 宣称之前在附近的草莓园摘草莓 也领过低的工资
WILLIAM, FRUIT PICKER: We work maybe six day in one week, but when we get a
pay, just maybe $300. It's not much. One hour for $7 or
台男WILLIAM, 摘果工人: 一周工作6天 只领到300元 一小时才7~8元
DAVID LEWIS: And did anyone ever complain?
记者: 有人抱怨吗?
WILLIAM: Yes, but they not want to solve any problem. They just think it's
your Asian guys' problem.
台男: 是的 但他们不想解决问题 他们认为那是你们亚洲人的问题
DAVID LEWIS: Like Claire, William eventually quit.
记者: 就像 Claire William 最终也离职了
WILLIAM: You want their money, so you still wait, wait, wait. Maybe wait one
month, you still not get any money.
台男: 你要他们的钱 所以等工作 也许1个月 但仍没有任何收入
~ 2:30
~ 八卦gossiping版被暗算水桶中 大大相助 帮转八卦版 提升能见度 谢谢
楼主: summerleaves (内湖全联先生)   2014-06-18 21:31:00
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一生一次的淫乱之旅 错过就只能等投胎
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利用仲介找工作 怪脽??
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作者: BlueKidds (布鲁奇德)   2014-06-18 22:25:00
哀 这边见识到太多了 可怜之人必也可恨之处

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