Re: [问卦] 有没有A-380头等舱的八卦?

楼主: aaaaaaaaame (no)   2014-06-03 15:45:37
A380头等舱游记 安全无毒 请放心点阅
肥鲁只有坐过泰航的A380头等舱 其他的请板友补充
1.头等有专属的贵宾室 和商务分开
2.头等有免费1小时的SPA按摩~一人一间~只有你和女按摩师..ONLY TWO
※ 引述《billandcs (信义比尔苏)》之铭言:
: 我只有阿联犹航空机师薪水的八卦.
: 第一次看过有公司把薪水福利贴在自己官网的...
: 摆明了写: 老子钱很多,要一流人才. 原文没写的是我去询问的.
: 希望台商比照办理.
: Cash Elements 现金部份
: Competitive Tax Free Basic Salary 薪资全部免税
: Salaries for all Emirates employees are benchmarked against relevant
: industries, and are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they remain
: competitive
: ‧ Captain: Monthly Salary Dhs 41,240 (Basic Salary plus Hourly Flying Pay
: based on 85 block hours per month).
: 机长 : 台币 337620.33 /月 本薪加上以85小时的小时计费加总
: ‧ First Officer: Monthly Salary Dhs 29,145 (Basic Salary plus Hourly Flying
: Pay based on 85 block hours per month).
: 副机长:238324.20 /月 本薪加上以85小时的小时计费加总
: Hourly Flying Pay 小时计费
: Pilots are paid an Hourly Flying Pay on block hours, up to a threshold of 83
: to 92 hours
: 举例来说每飞一小时给60 dhs,再看月总飞行时数乘上后计算
: Productivity Pay 加班费
: An additional Productivity Pay is paid for every block hour above the
: threshold of 92 hours
: 每超过92小时每小时给 4298 台币
: Employee Profit Share Scheme 员工分红
: Emirates operates an employee profit share scheme based on the company’s
: performance and results. A minimum tenure serves as the qualifying period for
: all new employees.
: 视年度绩效,每年约分30~100万台币
: Accommodation 住宿
: Emirates pilots are provided with company accommodation (including an
: additional utilities support allowance) or accommodation allowance.
: The eligibility of the following benefits are subject to each applicant’s
: unique personal circumstances.
: 公司提供宿舍,水电瓦斯费用通包,或是给你钱,你去外面租. 申请状况视个人情况不同而
: 定.
: Exchange Rate Protection Scheme汇率保障计划
: Fifty percent of your basic salary will be protected against adverse exchange
: rate fluctuations between the UAE Dirham and the currency of your country.
: This is not applicable to currency classifications that are pegged against
: the US Dollar, or the US Dollar itself as it is already pegged with the UAE
: Dirham.
: 你的基本薪资50%完全不会受到汇差损失
: Education Support Allowance 教育零用金
: First Officers and Captains are provided annual financial support towards the
: payment of core tuition for up to 3 children aged 4-19.
: 每年提供三名4~19岁子女全额教育金补助(学费项目) 每名不超过40万台币
: Provident Fund / End of Service Gratuity 公积金/约满酬金
: Upon leaving the company, employees are entitled to an end of service
: gratuity (for an employment period of less than 5 years) or Provident Fund
: payment.
: End of service gratuity is calculated at 21 days basic salary per annum for
: the first 5 years of service and 30 days basic salary per annum for each year
: of service thereafter.
: The Provident Fund Scheme is a long-term savings plan in which the employee
: contributes 5 percent of basic salary and the company contributes 12 percent
: (paid out after 5 years of service).
: 前10年公司提拨12%,后10年15%
: Non Cash Elements 非现金部份
: Annual Leave 特休
: All pilots are entitled to annual leave aggregating 42 calendar days
: 42天,对,42天....
: Annual Leave Tickets年度旅行机票
: Free annual leave tickets are provided for employees and their eligible
: dependents to travel to and from an approved leave destination, subject to
: current company policies
: 每年提供员工家庭成员免费机票.
: Life and Accident Insurance 意外险
: Up to 48 months of basic salary.
: 4年基本薪资投保额,机长的话约1300万
: Medical and Dental Insurance 医疗牙医险
: Employees and their families can avail of The Emirates Group’s in-house
: medical and dental facilities at the dedicated Emirates Clinic, or by
: referral to specialist medical professionals as/when required.
: 家庭成员都可以参加.
: Loss of License Insurance 失照险
: The Loss of License Insurance provided by the Emirates Group is based on an
: employee’s age, and payout can equal up to 3 times the annual basic salary.
: 三倍年薪失照险
: Company Transport 公司通勤
: Our pilots enjoy personal chauffeur service to and from their residence and
: work locations, within the city limits of Dubai.
: 公司免费派车接送机师上下班
: Company Uniform (and Dry Cleaning) 公司制服,干洗
: Pilots will be provided with uniforms and dry cleaning services.
: 机长有免费制服以及干洗服务
: 再来是大多数的台商福利:
: 保证年薪12个月,福利比照劳基法规定, the end.
作者: xiangming (乡民)   2014-06-03 15:47:00
不绑安全带 死也要死的比别人舒服潇洒
作者: Aquari (  ̄Д ̄)=o|▅▅▆▇▇◤)   2014-06-03 15:51:00
蜜月欧洲地中海...这样还叫肥鲁 你叫八卦的酸鲁情何以堪
作者: Soreio (╰(‵皿′*)╯)   2014-06-03 15:58:00
专属厕所不错阿 不用闻别人的屎味
作者: chenweichih (走路常跌倒)   2014-06-03 16:03:00
东西还是依样很难吃 没什么八卦
作者: qooisgood (不告訴你)   2014-06-03 16:36:00
作者: miname (>.<)   2014-06-03 16:56:00
头等坐机头, 绑了安全带生存率也是颗颗

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