Re: [问卦] 请问有没有蔡依林表弟的八卦

楼主: Destiny1218 (不是一般人的认真)   2014-06-02 20:01:52
他英文名 Derrick Lin
真的写了满多本书 但大多是电子书
amazon唯一一本实体书是"Tiger Mother Son of a Bitch"

DERRICK LIN was born in Queens, New York, to parents who immigrated from
Taiwan. He was raised by his "Tiger Mother" in New Jersey. His father
divorced the tiger mother when Derrick was ten years old and moved back to
Taiwan. Derrick attended Rutgers University for a year but dropped out due to
a lack of funds after his tiger mother spent his education fund on things
like breast implant surgery. Most of his relatives live in Taiwan and he
never really got to know them. Derrick has a cousin, Jolin Tsai, who is a
famous pop singer in Asia. He currently works a minimum-wage job for Dunkin'
Donuts, and has worked many low-level jobs in the past, including dressing up
as the Statue of Liberty for a tax preparation service.
出生于Queens, New York 父母在他十岁时离婚
他曾念过Rutgers University一年 但后来付不出学费而辍学
他大部分的亲戚都住台湾 其中保括他的表姊 台湾的知名歌手Jolin Tsai(蔡依林)
他现在在Dunkin'Donut工作(写这本书的时候) 等等....
所以他应该大学没毕业吧? 不过Rutgers University似乎是不错的学校
※ 引述《MichellDark (米契尔)》之铭言:
: 近日发生这位先生因吃苹果派被烫到而闹上警局的事情,查了一下过往的新闻
: 发现这位先生学经历十分惊人,非但懂得七国语言,最要命的是在23岁前就拿到
: 文学博士学位,要知道人文与社会科学类学位,平均修业时间几乎是理工科的一倍
: 以23岁之龄拿到文学硕士学位的已属罕见,更遑论博士学位了。
: 请问有没有关于这位先生的八卦,如毕业学校等,谢谢。
: 新闻网址:
作者: Mature (马球儿)   2014-06-02 20:03:00
Rutgers University不错啊 差不多是中一中那种等级
作者: eegh (无语)   2014-06-02 20:09:00
看名字是姓林 为什么新闻里面都是姓蔡?
作者: jim04072001 (恩哈)   2014-06-02 20:11:00
Jolin妈姓黄 他到底怎么姓林的 老爸入赘= =??
作者: tyrande (泰兰德)   2014-06-02 20:13:00
好乱的感觉 又林 又黄 又蔡
作者: d0085672 (jetstream)   2014-06-03 00:35:00

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