Re: [新闻] 月球上的wifi跟你家客厅的一样快

楼主: leo821 (Leo)   2014-06-02 09:53:59
※ 引述《kyle5241 (kyle)》之铭言:
: 1.媒体来源:
: Globalpost
: 2.完整新闻标题/内文:
: Wi-Fi on the moon is now as fast as the Wi-Fi in your living room
: 现在月球上的wifi已经跟你家的一样快了
: Researchers at NASA and MIT have figured out how to beam wireless
: connectivity from a ground base in New Mexico
: Timothy McGrath, GlobalPost
: Life on the moon just got a whole lot more awesome. Sure, you’ve got to wear
: a spacesuit and there’s not much to do in the way of recreation and
: nightlife.
: 在月球上的生活变得更有意思了。当然你得要穿太空衣,而且没什么娱乐和夜生活
: But that’s all okay now, because there’s Wi-Fi.
: 但是现在一切都没问题了,因为那里有wifi
: Researchers at NASA and MIT have figured out how to beam wireless
: connectivity from a ground base in New Mexico to the moon using
: telescopes and lasers.
: 研究员找出利用雷射和望远镜做无线传输的方法
: It’s as cool as it sounds.
: Here’s how it works. The transmission utilizes four separate telescopes
: connected to a laser transmitter that feeds coded pulses of infrared light
: through it. Those signals travel toward a satellite orbiting the moon.
: Researchers have managed to make a connection and transfer data at a speed
: approximating slower Wi-Fi speeds on Earth.
: 它的运作方式是:利用四台望远镜把红外线雷射打到绕月卫星上面。
: 现在的连线速度已经跟地球上的慢速wifi(比如说台湾)差不多了
: It’s no easy feat, and it doesn’t work every time.
: “Communicating at high data rates from Earth to the moon with laser beams
: is challenging because of the 400,000-kilometre distance spreading out the
: light beam,” said Mark Stevens of MIT Lincoln Laboratory. “It’s doubly
: difficult going through the atmosphere, because turbulence can bend
: light-causing rapid fading or dropouts of the signal at the receiver.”
: 考虑到40万公里的距离和大气扰动,月球和地球间的高速传输并不容易。
: Using four telescopes increases the chance that one of them will successfully
: hit the satellite.
: 利用望远镜可以增加光打到卫星的机会。
: The scientists-turned-Wi-Fi-troubleshooters will present their research
: at the CLEO laser technology conference on June 6.
: Such good news for life on the moon. We can now power-watch “West Wing.”
: 现在可以在月球上看影片了
: 3.新闻连结:
: 4.备注:
: 觉得台湾网络慢的人不考虑去月球上打卡上ptt吗?
: 讨厌4G限速或是iPhone频宽不支援的也可以上月球wifi吃到饱
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作者: paris0826   2014-06-02 10:01:00
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干 X9是到底要不要出

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