[询问] 云端硬盘申请后..接到越洋电话+email..

楼主: sptoo123 (R.F-)   2015-04-09 21:51:33
是这样的 因为116似乎没有使用google drive for education
所以我之前https://www.google.com/edu/ 里面点进去乱填一通
结果某天真的手机响了有个不知道的号码+1171151XXXX 当下在忙就直接挂掉
This is Catrina from Google . I want to introduce myself as your direct
I was trying to call you just now to follow up your interest on Google
Chrome, but unfortunately I wasn't able to reach you.
I'd like to find out more about your organisation, your current situation,
and whether Google could provide a suitable solution for you.
When would be a good time to have a quick chat?
Best Regards,
Catrina Ken | APAC Demand Management Associate | wken@google.com
疴 我应该要礼貌的写个email回信 然后等他打来让我用破破的英文跟他说电话吗?
请问现在该怎办? 我是满想要使用无限空间的 但我又怕跟他鸡同鸭讲
作者: warrenchen (来,玩棋吧! :])   2015-04-09 22:43:00
个人建议 简单说明您的学生身分,并且英语会话能力有限若需后续联络 建议透过文字.. 对方可能以为您是校方吧

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