[新闻] Lydia的教练认为她有潜力成为史上最佳

楼主: Athletics   2016-03-31 14:39:09
有关心网球的板友就会知道 台湾有看网球的人最受支持的选手是Federer(我不是)
但是我觉得Lydia Ko的表现应该值得在台湾能有多一些支持她的球迷
(就像当初的Tiger Woods)
说出她的前71个赛事成绩比Tiger Woods前71个赛事成绩好
而且国内高球频道可以说是最多的(从MOD看 有线电视可能是只有纬来跟Fox)
Lydia Ko has potential to be best women's golfer of all time, says coach
David Leadbetter
Last updated 10:40, March 29 2016
Lydia Ko's coach says the world No one is "making the game look easy" as she
tries to win back to back majors this week.
The 18-year-old heads into the ANA Inspiration on the back of winning the Kia
Classic in California on Monday (NZ time).
And, having had her majors breakthrough at the final big tournament of last
year in France, Ko has the perfect scene to emphasis her growing dominance at
the Ranco Mirage this week.
Her latest victory saw her get some real breathing space at the top of the
rankings from of her major rival, South Korea's Inbee Park.
* Watch: Lydia Ko double hits ball with putter
* Recap: Live coverage of Lydia Ko in final round of Kia Classic
* Ko gets 'Tiger treatment' after latest win
Ko's event average in ranking points is 12.55 compared to Park's 9.71,
meaning she could reign at the top of the ladder for some time yet.
It seems there is no end in sight to her achievements and her potential.
Coach David Leadbetter is marvelling at Ko's consistency this year on the
back of a busy offseason of training.
"She is in such a good place mentally right now," Leadbetter told Radio Sport
of the happy-go-luck Ko.
"She is making the game look so easy.
"She is really at the top of her game right now ... she is riding a crest of
a wave at the moment. When you are playing like that, you just want to keep
Leadbetter said there was little he could do technically for Ko right now.
"You just keep the tyres pumped up," he laughed.
"We just do little things ... nothing new, nothing major ... just keep the
train rolling."
Leadbetter believed Ko was reaping the rewards of her hard work in the gym
and on the practice fairways where they had added length to her driving game
and also improved her ball movement through the air.
Leadbetter felt Ko's potential was limitless.
"She is potentially the best ever female golfer in the game. That's scary
when you think about it," Leadbetter told Radio Sport.
He believed her personality was unique.
"She is a breath of fresh air for the game. She is one of a kind."
Leadbetter felt Ko's mental strength stood her apart from her rivals right
now and that would be important for the year's majors.
"She has the ability to dig deep and find something," he said, saying that
was a trait in all the great players.
"Golf is a very, very fickle game. We know how it changes so quickly."
Leadbetter said it was hard to make predictions and despite a disappointing
record at the ANA Inspiration he believed the course at the Mission Hills
Country Club should suit her game.
- Stuff
作者: ashin1069 (新希望)   2016-03-31 14:48:00
她的重点在于:她才十八岁 这已经海放史上所有男女高球员了 她的成就只会增加不会减少 只要不受伤
作者: casman (卡)   2016-03-31 14:51:00
网球最支持费爸是因为国内没有世界级顶尖的网球员啊~ 卢也老了, 大小伤病不断, 不然他的比赛还是很多台湾人支持有台湾在地选手在该领域打拼, 台湾人还是心会偏一点Lydia反而如果再一直无敌下去没竞争对手, 会不会反而对女子高尔夫是一种负面的影响? @@希望Inbee和Stacy可以多跟她比拼几年
作者: ashin1069 (新希望)   2016-03-31 15:02:00
Inbee跟雅妮那时拿很多冠军的时候 也会有一些声音说会不会造成负面影响 事实上也没有啦...但LPGA终究是美国起源的运动 如果有美国选手开始当球后 关注度会两倍起跳吧XD另说Lydia无敌到还不一定 韩国军团总是可以揽下整年赛事约一半的冠军数量 这才令人觉得恐怖...
作者: casman (卡)   2016-03-31 15:33:00
这也影响其他国家看球的意愿啊... 韩国独大XD如果不是雅妮曾经到达的高度, 台湾人应该没几个会关注LPGA吧, 跟王建民之于棒球不大一样, 女子高尔夫本来就不大热门如果台湾没有球员递补上雅妮的位置 (如果雅妮回不去了) ,关注女子高尔夫的应该会越来越少了
作者: ashin1069 (新希望)   2016-03-31 15:53:00
年轻一辈目前看到的后进都差了很大一截 不求一鸣惊人但连在国内外能稳定端出好成绩的人不到五只XD雅妮回不回的来...不知道 但我是认为 今年没能回春的话以后回春的机率会陡降
作者: casman (卡)   2016-03-31 16:00:00
作者: ashin1069 (新希望)   2016-03-31 16:07:00
要我是她的心理医生 会建议她回到小时候的地方看看找老师聊聊 我觉得她会出什么问题 小时候老师最清楚肌肉记忆全忘的应该是Tiger Woods...= =
作者: casman (卡)   2016-03-31 16:09:00
我觉得是调整太多次了, 一直改改到不是他原本最习惯的动作噗我的意思是说不定只剩全忘记再重来比较可能XD希望赶快习惯新动作啦, 不要再调了
作者: ashin1069 (新希望)   2016-03-31 16:14:00
怕是换团队又练一次 现在又没固定 一想发力就喷了铁杆比起全盛功力也几乎掉了一半 怎么样都没有优势不过她的好姊妹宫里蓝上周是睽违66场比赛首次前五表示...她也是有机会跟进的 毕竟这66场雅妮还是拿过不少前五的 (真乐观...XD
作者: casman (卡)   2016-03-31 16:18:00
去年就三场第2啊, 今年怎回事= =如果今年只有三场能打我, 请挑大赛打好!!!!! 就是这场吧!好
作者: ashin1069 (新希望)   2016-03-31 16:23:00
去年除了英国公开赛全都淘汰...这周先不要看到cut比较实际 她这周赛前跟Stacy练球 报导说两人聊不少天
作者: casman (卡)   2016-03-31 16:25:00
作者: ashin1069 (新希望)   2016-03-31 16:26:00
Stacy开季状况满普通的 应该也很心急
楼主: Athletics   2016-03-31 19:07:00
那PGA国内关心的人也不少吧?也没有任何台湾选手打进国际顶尖过我会开始关心golf跟曾雅妮较没关系 跟有较多高尔夫收看频道较有关系 MOD有博斯两台跟美国高尔夫频道 其他球类运动(除了棒球)都没那么多台可选择
作者: ashin1069 (新希望)   2016-03-31 19:14:00
PGA在台湾是很少被注意的...要看看小潘能不能顺利在这两年内打入PGA 他有脸蛋有球技 是个商业人才XD
作者: casman (卡)   2016-03-31 22:02:00
PGA关心的好像也没有很多... 这个板PGA讨论也满冷清的XD我身边的朋友没有一个人对golf有兴趣...讲个现实一点的, 魏圣美的粉丝可能都比高宝璟的多, 很多人看比赛还是很在意脸蛋的, 就像女网的莎娃库娃, 当然莎娃强多了
作者: ashin1069 (新希望)   2016-03-31 22:08:00
老实说 所有的美国选手 她当领头羊还是比较有吸观众作用 可惜她的高峰已远去我也很想多贴一下关心比赛 不过几乎没人回 就大比赛再贴 XD (PGA)
作者: casman (卡)   2016-03-31 22:37:00
说起来台湾人关心PGA最多是因为Tiger Woods当年造成的全球炫风吧, 就像Jordan带起NBA全球流行一样高尔夫的球员魅力不容易塑造, 每个球员穿着谈吐都中规中矩, 也不会互相呛声或做多激动的动作手势, 要出现像Woods这种超顶级魅力的球星真的十年都不见得有一位我们知道Lydia有多强, 可是他的个人魅力还是很模糊相比之下网球就是非常具有个人强烈特色的运动啊
作者: ashin1069 (新希望)   2016-04-01 08:32:00
魅力还是有差 Woods成绩败光多久了 收入仍居高球界第三位...
作者: cmw1 (力挽狂滥)   2016-04-01 08:46:00
我有跟我的教练聊过, 实际也跟他家鳗熟的他很担心是重力训练过多, 肌肉负荷不了协调性已经跑掉了

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