tsaosp (Guardian Angel)
2025-01-27 07:03:28You can hold onto memories without clinging to the past. If you hold on too ti
ght to what was, you won't move forward in your life in the way you should. An
d sometimes, Gemini, letting go of the past means also letting go of certain g
oals you had that no longer serve you or your best interests. It can be hard b
ecause it might feel like a failure - but it's not a failure at all. If you le
t go of an old goal that doesn't make much sense anymore, you will make room f
or a much better one.
这可能很困难,因为它可能感觉就像失败 — 但是它根本就不是失败。
Ps. 如果有误译请指教,谢谢。