[情报] 06/24 the daily horoscope

楼主: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2024-06-23 06:44:17
A beautiful landscape, a breathtaking mountain range, the majesty of the ocean
from the shoreline - these spectacular sights can inspire poets and artists.
But the same can be said of unhappy, disturbing, and upsetting things, and the
re are plenty of those in life as well. If you find yourself dealing with a si
tuation now that is making you feel volatile, unhappy, or angry, transform tha
t feeling into something else - something that can be good for you. If you are
an artist or a poet, it will be easy. If you are not, find some other way to
channel that energy into something beautiful, dear Gemini.
一个漂亮的风景、令人惊叹的山脉、海岸线的壮丽的海洋 —
请将这些感觉转换为其他的东西 — 某些对你有益的东西。
P S.如果有误译请指教,谢谢。
作者: AnitaWW (矮额)   2024-06-24 01:06:00

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