[情报] 01/22 the daily horoscope

楼主: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2022-01-21 06:58:59
When you are surrounded by drama, a peaceful setting becomes all the more desi
rable. We all have limits, Gemini, and while you may have enjoyed a certain dr
amatic influence in your life for a while, it is starting to get old. Very old
. But how can you put a stop to it when you have wholeheartedly subscribed to
and endorsed it up until now? By recognizing your limits and by being honest a
bout those limits. Now that you have had a taste of an over-the-top situation,
it's time to wind down and seek out the peace you need.
Ps. 如果有误译请指教,谢谢。
作者: AnitaWW (矮额)   2022-01-22 20:08:00
Ok…感谢奇怪我只打感谢怎么跑出前面的ok 水逆吗XDD

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