[情报] 12/03 the daily horoscope

楼主: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2020-12-02 21:41:19
“The past was erased. The erasure was forgotten. The lie became truth." That
powerful quote from George Orwell's prescient novel "1984" may apply to you in
some way right now, Gemini. Somewhere in your life, someone may be trying to
soften a memory or blur the lines of a past experience. If they are successful
in doing this, you might be inclined to make a foolish choice. Don't let anyo
ne erase anything that could represent an impactful experience - one that shou
ld be remembered. After all, you don't want to live through it again, do you?
“过去已被删除。 被删除的已被遗忘。谎言变成了事实。”
引用自George Orwell有先见之明的小说《1984》强而有力的句子
别让任何人抹去那可能代表冲击的经验 - 而那是一个应该被记起的经验。
作者: asppsa (橘子绿了)   2020-12-03 04:30:00
作者: imayday3029 (日升井泽)   2020-12-03 08:26:00
不想再重新生活过一遍 准
作者: hufiba (EVE)   2020-12-03 09:40:00
作者: nothing0524 (\VIXX沇运焕植彬爀/)   2020-12-03 10:44:00
真的准 我也不想再一次过那种日子

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