[情报] 02/14 the daily horoscope

楼主: tsaosp (Guardian Angel)   2020-02-13 08:36:10
Gemini horoscope for 星期五 2月 14
Gemini horoscope for 星期五 2月 14
You can be impulsive, Gemini. It is part of your nature. And surely you have b
een in situations where something went wrong or someone pushed your buttons an
d got the better of you. Without thinking, in situations like that, you could
easily lose your temper. And when you lose your temper, you can cause damage i
n relationships, and then feel bad about what happened for a long time. But if
you think ahead or pause for a few moments when something upsetting occurs, y
ou don't have to lose your temper. If you think you might soon find yourself i
n a potentially volatile situation, pause before you respond. You can control
the outcome better that way.
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