[情报] 07/11 the daily horoscope

楼主: tsaosp (Guardian Angel)   2019-07-10 08:28:19
Gemini horoscope for 星期四 7月 11
Gemini horoscope for 星期四 7月 11
You may feel that you are in need of emotional guidance. Perhaps you are hurti
ng or feeling disillusioned, and it would certainly help to talk to someone wh
o could reassure and inspire you, giving you hope. But you are not someone who
can easily ask for help. You are very independent and self-sufficient, Gemini
, and reaching out for your emotional needs is difficult for you. But in this
big world, there are many people out there who actually love helping others. I
n fact, there is someone like that in your midst. Don't shy away from reaching
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