tsaosp (Guardian Angel)
2019-06-26 13:34:15Gemini horoscope for 星期三 6月 26
Gemini horoscope for 星期三 6月 26
A day at the beach can be a pleasant, restorative experience. The feeling of t
he sun on your face, the breeze caressing your cheeks, and the salt water lapp
ing at your ankles can bring a sense of peace and harmony. The same could be s
aid for a drive through the countryside or a walk in a nature preserve. But no
t everyone has time for an excursion like that. If you are feeling stressed no
w, Gemini, but you don't have time to indulge in a getaway, you can seek heave
n more quickly in your own mind. Journey within for meditation and affirmation
s as you seek to maintain your well-being.