[情报] 04/12 the daily horoscope

楼主: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2018-04-11 22:06:09
You may be willing to take second-best in some area of your life right now, Ge
mini. Why? Is it because you believe that's all you are capable of attaining?
Would getting what you really want put someone else out or hurt their feelings
? Or, is it because it is all you feel you are worthy of? Whatever your reason
, second-best is not good enough. This is your life, and you owe it to yoursel
f - and to anyone who cares about you - to make the choices that are best for
you. Make that your goal today.
这是你的生活,是你自己拥有它 - 任何关心你的人 - 都该为你做出最佳的选择。
Ps. 如果有误译请指教,谢谢。
作者: kowei526 (慢慢走,好好过)   2018-04-11 22:12:00
这篇我对second best的理解是"次等好的", 有点像是不敢去取得最好的事物的意思. 倒不一定是指名次这样.:)N大再请斟酌参考看看.说指教太沈重了XD 只是建议参考而已. N大放轻松啦~
作者: lichtozean (光海)   2018-04-11 23:04:00
近日工作运写照 (叹)
作者: vizxc855 (vizxc855)   2018-04-12 03:24:00
也是我的工作写照 最近换了工作 也不是我的第一理想工作算是第二选择
作者: eternalsway (eternalsway)   2018-04-13 14:20:00

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