riding (境随心转)
2017-10-09 00:10:25有些人天生拥有特殊天分 而有些人则是拼尽所有可能、靠后天努力培养出一种能力
Gemini horoscope for October 09 - October 15
Some people are born with a special talent, and some develop an ability in
the best way they can. The former person makes their talent seem effortless,
while the latter person can practice endlessly and never quite reach the
level of quality of the former. You have a natural gift, Gemini. It is one
that you haven't had the urge to use much in the past. But this week, you
may begin to feel the desire to indulge in your talent, if it hasn't already
begun to happen. Make a point of exploring your gift. It could lead you to
an extraordinary turning point in your life if you do. This week you can
also expect an intense conversation to change the way you feel about someone
you have taken for granted for a long time.