riding (境随心转)
2017-09-22 23:49:05※ 引述《Nicolas01 (Nicolas)》之铭言:
: Gemini horoscope for Saturday Sep 23
: Gemini horoscope for Saturday Sep 23
: Many people think of a wedding as the most exciting point in the marriage jour
: ney. But there are many points both before and after a marriage that are incre
: dibly important. For example, the meeting and, even more important, the trials
: , tribulations, and the many joys that come after a marriage happens. You are
: on some kind of journey now, Gemini, and you may see your arrival at the desti
: nation as the most important thing. In reality, there were many points prior,
: and there will be many after that will be equally, if not more important. Thin
: k of it that way.