[情报] 12/24 the daily horoscope

楼主: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2016-12-23 18:00:45
Gemini horoscope for Dec 24 2016
Gemini horoscope for Dec 24 2016
It may seem like you don't have the support you deserve with an endeavor you h
ave taken on. Perhaps there has been no encouragement. Maybe you have received
no offers of assistance. You may have even received negative comments, Gemini
. You feel you deserve - and you do deserve - so much more. Despite this feeli
ng you may have, there is a powerful force on your side, even though that forc
e isn't visible. The universe is guarding your every move, and guiding you too
. You just have to be open to that guidance.
作者: NeedGem (本当傻蛋的宿命)   2016-12-23 18:11:00
这真的还比较像今天的运势(而不是明天的 orz)
作者: neckkit (neckkit)   2016-12-23 20:30:00
作者: kohebedo (日食大罗盘)   2016-12-24 09:19:00
作者: jackal0521 (Gemini)   2016-12-24 17:38:00

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