[情报] 09/15 the daily horoscope

楼主: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2016-09-14 19:48:26
Gemini horoscope for Sep 15 2016
Gemini horoscope for Sep 15 2016
Recent events in your life have probably been very favorable for you, Gemini.
You may have experienced some good fortune and you should have every reason to
feel happy. That's why it may be perplexing if you can't seem to feel lighthe
arted, grateful, and excited about your present circumstances. That may be bec
ause there is something weighing on your mind that you don't want to think abo
ut. Perhaps you tell yourself it isn't all that serious, and maybe it isn't. S
till, it would be uplifting to free yourself from it by working through it now
. Doing so will let the light back into your life.
作者: qaz057628123 (全全)   2016-09-14 21:31:00
作者: jingyi620 (平淡 超凡品味!)   2016-09-14 22:50:00

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