[情报] 08/21 the daily horoscope

楼主: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2016-08-20 19:04:02
Gemini horoscope for Aug 21 2016
Gemini horoscope for Aug 21 2016
You may have a strong intuitive perception about someone newer in your life, G
emini - maybe even the friend of a friend - but it could be completely wrong.
Because this perception involves a strong feeling of warning, you may have the
urge to inform others of your thoughts and fears. But your sense of alarm may
be coming from another place entirely, and you really need to explore that be
fore you say anything. If you speak too soon, you could alienate someone, and
you could cause difficulty for the one you fear for no real reason. You need t
o confirm what you fear before you *take that leap.
作者: newesther (Hannah)   2016-08-20 20:03:00
你可能对某个人有强烈的直觉, 这个人可能是新的朋友或是朋友的朋友, 但你的直觉也许是错误的这个直觉太过强烈导致你很快就想把恐惧和想法表达出来,你需要在说出想法之前厘清, 因为你的直觉或许来自完全不同的事件...如果你太快就断定, 将可能会使你们关系疏远, 而你也只是庸人自扰, 请三思而后行o
作者: jrb123123 (jrbbb)   2016-08-21 03:05:00
翻译真猛~ 又准了一次 晚上要跟朋友与朋友的朋友吃

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