[情报] 06/20 the daily horoscope

楼主: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2016-06-19 19:01:27
Gemini horoscope for Jun 20 2016
Gemini horoscope for Jun 20 2016
You are always a fast-moving sign, both mentally and physically, and you rarel
y have trouble keeping up with your own ambitious plans. Today, though, you ma
y find that your pace accelerates to a new level, and you may be worried about
your stamina. You have set up a big agenda for yourself, Gemini, but it isn't
something that you aren't capable of handling. If you pace yourself carefully
, and you plan well, you won't have any trouble accomplishing everything on yo
ur list. Don't let worry hold you back.
作者: candyhorie (甜馅饼)   2016-06-19 19:20:00
作者: pennypyng (这就是我要的吗)   2016-06-19 19:34:00
今天把墨水都整理好了!但这是明天运势阿!感觉工作又会出现需要面对的问题了= =+
作者: tang6668 (流浪吧)   2016-06-19 20:26:00
作者: rita12603 (Rita)   2016-06-20 00:17:00
楼主: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2016-06-20 00:18:00
作者: xlovex1314 (妲拉)   2016-06-20 03:16:00
作者: henrryfeng01 (Korea Yun)   2016-06-20 08:37:00
作者: sandy620 (Miss S)   2016-06-20 12:25:00

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