[情报] 04/08 the daily horoscope

楼主: tsaosp (Guardian Angel)   2016-04-07 20:45:39
Gemini horoscope for Apr 8 2016
Gemini horoscope for Apr 8 2016
When you see a duck glide across the surface of a pond, you can't see how furi
ously he is paddling beneath the water. Someone you know may not seem to be do
ing much to further their own luck or improve their own situation in life, but
you can't make assumptions, Gemini. You may have concerns over your loved one
, and what will happen to that person if they don't do something to make a cha
nge, but you can't criticize without knowing more. This person may be doing mo
re than you can see to get their act together. Don't assume the worst.
作者: gaga61816 (G_A_G_A)   2016-04-07 21:12:00
作者: wendy80531 (狐狸尾巴)   2016-04-07 21:32:00
作者: Keyblade (安安你好)   2016-04-07 22:26:00
作者: candyhorie (甜馅饼)   2016-04-07 22:26:00
作者: icemaple (冰枫)   2016-04-07 22:49:00
concerns 我觉得翻担忧比较好倒数第三句我觉得 但在了解更多(他所做的努力)前 你不能做出批评 可能比较符合文意get one's act together一般来说是打起精神,做好该做的事的意思(不确定这里是否这样用)所以那句应是 为了做好该做的事 这个人可能做得比你看见的还要更多以上都只是个人感觉 不是很专业 可能有错的部分@@
作者: dagihhh (台中全智贤)   2016-04-07 22:58:00
蛮符合现况的 但是我是被提分的啊啊啊 没看到他的付出努力

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