[情报] 03/04 the daily horoscope

楼主: tsaosp (Guardian Angel)   2016-03-03 21:05:53
Gemini horoscope for Mar 4 2016
Gemini horoscope for Mar 4 2016
You are usually a very positive person. You are realistic, but you expect the
best from every endeavor. At least that's how you are most of the time, Gemini
. Now, though, you may be considering a work-related venture that could have a
few hidden flaws. It is always good to be optimistic, but you may choose not
to see the reality in this case because you have such high hopes for the outco
me. If you take the time to be honest about potential flaws in this endeavor a
nd then deal with them, you can make it successful.
作者: ajyy002 (Amine)   2016-03-03 22:15:00
作者: waitriver (microcosm)   2016-03-03 22:48:00
作者: jingyi620 (平淡 超凡品味!)   2016-03-03 23:47:00
作者: onlyfeather ((.゚ー゚))   2016-03-04 00:43:00
作者: sxn1000 (玉莲天天嫁豪门)   2016-03-04 01:54:00
作者: tonyginobily (小鲁中午想吃鲁肉饭)   2016-03-04 09:37:00
推 认真唸书+1
作者: waitriver (microcosm)   2016-03-04 11:06:00
认真唸书+1 !一定会过的!
作者: hsiao38 (雨林儿)   2016-03-04 11:08:00
作者: eesmart (这个嘛..)   2016-03-04 12:57:00
楼主: tsaosp (Guardian Angel)   2016-03-04 15:43:00

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