[情报] 02/04 the daily horoscope

楼主: tsaosp (Guardian Angel)   2016-02-03 22:35:01
Gemini horoscope for Feb 4 2016
Gemini horoscope for Feb 4 2016
Are you having a hard time coming to an agreement with someone? It isn't that
neither of you are open to change or listening to the other's point of view. M
ost likely, your dilemma is coming from the fact that you don't really underst
and each other. If you don't know what someone wants, it's hard to find a way
to work well together. If you want to make progress with a joint project, Gemi
ni, you will have to have a meeting of the minds, and that will require some h
onest listening - from both of you.
作者: waitriver (microcosm)   2016-02-03 23:13:00
谢谢 今天好准!!
作者: sosoing (望天)   2016-02-04 00:16:00
作者: eesmart (这个嘛..)   2016-02-04 01:18:00
作者: gull2053 (鸥lala)   2016-02-04 07:20:00
作者: tom247610 (它木)   2016-02-04 08:53:00
作者: CC2738 (Finya)   2016-02-04 16:52:00
作者: jingyi620 (平淡 超凡品味!)   2016-02-04 23:42:00
作者: KnightZX (伫足在风中的刚正不阿)   2016-02-04 23:47:00

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