今天要来跟大家分享以下这题 9/5 正式考试字神真经班有命中的填空题(洒花~~)
Britain’s deteriorating economy after 1945 was (i) ______ by politicians who
favored the manufacturing sector over the service sector: rather than attempting
to (ii) ______ the decline of manufacturing, they should have promoted service
Blank (i)
(A) mishandled (B) bolstered (C) forestalled
Blank (ii)
(D) augment (E) arrest (F) escalate
接下来,同学可以跟着老师的思维,一起来思考这题目的解法唷!解题 START!
1. 由“politicians who favored the manufacturing sector over the service sector”
这个资讯,可推知 manufacturing 与 service 是对立的两产业。
2. 冒号后出现“rather than A, B”这结构,表达“不是 A 而是 B”之意(A、B 应相反
,且语意重点落在 B 上?[37m^。B 的部分是 promote service,代表“(ii) ______ the
decline of manufacturing”应表达 promote manufacturing的概念,所以当然要
(E) arrest(阻止?[37m^manufacturing 的衰退。
(二空速解:(D) 与 (F) 其实是差不多意思的两单字,所以要猜也应猜 (E))
3. 本题为“冒号题”,前后语意应互相补充。冒号后的重点落在 B (promote service) 上
,即作者是比较支持 service 而非 manufacturing 的,因此若这些 politicians 是较喜
好 manufacturing 的话,代表这个经济状况应会更加恶化,一空答案选 (A) mishandled