大家好,我是创胜文教的 Co-Founder&GRE 课程的负责人王梓沅老师。
台湾学生在写像 GRE Issue 这种议论文时,最常出现的问题就是:文不对题。
As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of
humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.
某一位同学针对这个题目,写了一个主题句 (Topic sentence):
Technology can definitely broaden our horizons because there is a lot of
information we can gain from the Internet. With this curiosity, people can...
若很少写议论文、训练逻辑,可能会觉得 broaden our horizons (拓展视野)、curiosity (好奇心) 会跟 think for themselves (独立思维能力) 很相似。
如果在前两句话不出现 think for themselves 的“同义概念”,就注定离题。
By gaining access to great amounts of information on the Internet, a product
of technological advancement, people can train their independent thinking
skills since they will have to think critically in order to tell right from
这边的 think critically 呼应了题目的“think for themselves”。
Some may argue that by gaining access to great amounts of information on the
Internet, a product of technological advancement, people, when encountering
problems, can swiftly find ready-made solutions without the need to make an
effort to reflect on the problem at hand.
这边的 reflect on 就算是合理的 “think” 的替换字。
最后大家有发现吗?我把 the Internet 后面补了一个 a product of technological
advancement,因为不这样补的话,会很像我们擅自把题目的 Technology 改成的 the
大家在 GRE Issue 写作时要特别小心这种“偷换概念”的状况喔。
若你接下来有准备 GRE 考试的计画,我将在 12/16 (一) 的 GRE 高分公开课中,我将基
于8年的机经题库,剖析 GRE 考试的最新趋势和分享有效的备战策略,若你/妳接下来有要
备考 GRE 的计画,欢迎你来参加喔!
【公开课报名】 https://www.accupass.com/event/1912101105336284927680
王梓沅 (GRE V166 / 稳定 AW 5.5, PR 98、TOEFL 117、IELTS 满分)
宾州大学 (UPenn) 社会语言学硕士
创胜文教共同创办人、GRE 课程负责人
《GRE 学霸字汇》作者 (2019 众文图书出版)