[分享] 最新 <180805 GRE机经真题整理>

楼主: liamasso (字神帝国)   2018-08-22 12:13:16
【180805 GRE机经真题整理】
▲ 填空
0805 GRE填空/等价真题:总共7组命中真经班
填空命中真经班:My grandma has a………(本篇英文原题)
等价:My grandma has a strong belief in all things ______: she insist,
for example, that the house in which she lived as a child was haunted.
【真经班解答】numinous = occult
【真经班解析】numinous : < numin-:nod 点头 > + < -ous:形容词字尾 > →
神明点头答应的 → 超自然的 → 神秘的。
填空命中真经班:Flawed as it may………(本篇英文原题)
等价:Flawed as it may be for it is conducted by subjective scientists,
science itself has methods that help us ______ our bias and talk about
objective reality with some validity.
【真经班解答】bypass = circumvent
【真经班解析】bypass : < by-:less important 次要的 > + pass ( v. 通过 )
→ 供人通过的次要道路 → 旁道 → 避开正道 。
填空命中真经班:Scientific discoveries are often………
填空命中真经班:Wilson is wont to………
填空命中真经班:The benefits offered by………
填空命中真经班:The author clearly supports………
填空命中真经班:The material covered in………
▲ 阅读
0805 GRE阅读:总共命中两篇阅读真经班原题(共6题?[m^
0805 GRE阅读第一篇命中:Paintings of Property 财物画(本篇英文原题)
Paintings of property

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