[分享] 最新 <180607 GRE机经真题整理>

楼主: liamasso (字神帝国)   2018-07-07 16:14:41
【180607 GRE机经真题整理】
本次英文原题整理请参见:http://bit.ly/2KTwueW (限7/13前)
▲ 填空
0607 GRE填空/等价真题:总共20组命中真经班
填空命中真经班:The history of the………(本篇英文原题)
The history of the region's natural resources has been one of initial (i)______
followed by (ii)______; as such the region has over time gone from a
resource-rich to a resource-dependent economy.
【真经班解答】(i) abundance (ii) rapacious depletion
【真经班解析】rapacious : < rap-:grasp 抓住 > + < -ous:表"多"的字尾 >
→ 抓很多 → 贪婪的。
填空命中真经班:Folmer's book on Edith………(本篇英文原题)
Folmer's book on Edith Wharton seems far removed from recent trends in literary
criticism; this need not to be a fault, except that in its title and
introduction, the book (i) _______ to be conversant with contemporary discourse
in the field, but in its actual analysis of Wharton's work, it is marked by a
very (ii) _______ approach.
【真经班解答】(i) purports (ii) old-fashioned
【真经班解析】purport : < pur- = pro-:forward 向前 > + < -port:bear 携带 >→
拿到前面 → 在前面先说(证据还没准备好之前就先说) → 声称。
◆ 填空命中真经班:The author paints a………
◆ 填空命中真经班:Few ideas are more………
◆ 填空命中真经班:Any notion of justice………
◆ 填空命中真经班:After many years of………
◆ 填空命中真经班:In a number of instances……
◆ 填空命中真经班:Unlike some mammals-cows………
◆ 填空命中真经班:What once seemed a………
◆ 填空命中真经班:Viewing people as "social………
◆ 填空命中真经班:In the popular conception………
◆ 填空命中真经班:The research on otters'………
◆ 填空命中真经班:In her career as………
◆ 填空命中真经班:Until now, old snapshots………
◆ 填空命中真经班:这部小说把他刻画成………
◆ 填空命中真经班:Consolidating a memory is………
◆ 填空命中真经班:The paleontologist examined the………
◆ 填空命中真经班:One big challenge with………
◆ 填空命中真经班:The phrase"bread and………
◆ 填空命中真经班:Recent research runs counter………
▲ 阅读
0607 GRE阅读:总共命中五篇阅读真经班原题(共9题)
▲ 0607 GRE阅读第一篇命中:Immobilization 制动假说(本篇英文原题)
Preeminent among theories of the function of sleep is Meddis' immobilization
hypothesis, which holds that sleep, rather than serving a restorative function,
plays a protective role during times that animals cannot be usefully engaged in
other activities. Meddis reasoned that animals not immediately threatened by
predators would be safer if they passed the time sleeping. Sleep would prevent
an animal from moving or responding to nonthreatening stimuli in ways that might
attract the attention of predators.
However, that hypothesis cannot easily explain why one often observe a rebound
in sleep time or intensity following a period of sleep deprivation. Neither does
the hypothesis explains the existence of various states of sleep, which
themselves may be associated with different functions.
Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
1. According to the passage, the immobilization hypothesis fails to account for
which of the following facts?
That sleep does not appear to be a uniform and unchanging state
That under certain conditions animals appear to need more sleep than usual
▲ 0607 GRE阅读第二篇命中:Nest Selection of River Blenny (本篇英文原题)
When selecting a nest, the female of the river blenny (a small fish) appears to
be sensitive to both size and orientation. Blennies deposit their eggs
preferentially in nests under large stones and in nests facing southeast.
Southeast-facing nests contain larger egg clutches, a fact that cannot be
completely explained by differences in nest stone size. Moreover, in a recent
study, current speeds upstream of the nest and at the nest entrance were similar
for nests upstream facing southeast and those facing in other directions.
A southeast-facing entrance per se thus seems to be the specific nest feature
preferred by females, rather than the effect of selective positioning on current
at the nest entrance. The reasons for this preference are unclear, however.
2. The author of the passage considers "current speeds" in order to
eliminate a possible explanation for a nest orientation tendency among female
river blennies
▲ 0607 GRE阅读第三篇命中:Village Sketches 乡间小品
▲ 0607 GRE阅读第四篇命中:Woman Suffragists妇女参政论者
▲ 0607 GRE阅读第五篇命中:Native American Ceramics印地安人瓷器
▲ 写作
Issue: 59
Argument: 16
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