[分享] 最新<170422 GRE机经真题整理>

楼主: liamasso (字神帝国)   2017-05-04 20:21:25
【最新170422 GRE机经真题整理】
▲ 阅读
0422 GRE阅读:总共命中七篇阅读真经班原题(共18题)
◆0422GRE阅读第一篇命中:Woman Suffragists妇女参政论者
1.It can be inferred from the passage that men's and
women's parades were similar in that both
were intended by their participants as public
declarations of solidarity
2.The passage suggests which of the following about
proponents of the "rules of social order?"
They believed that it was unfeminine for women to march
in suffrage parades.
◆0422GRE阅读第二篇命中:Samuel Johnson's patronage
Samuel Johnson的赞助 (本篇英文原题请见上面连结下载哦!)
1.The author of the passage mentions Johnson's 1762 pension
award in order to
emphasize that patronage still helped support Johnson's
writing after his letter to Lord Chesterfield
2.Which of the following best describes the function of
highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?
It provides information that qualifies the assertion that
Johnson's letter sharply defined the end of a publishing era
◆0422GRE阅读第三篇命中:Brain's Left Parietal Lobe大脑左侧顶叶
1.The author of the passage would most likely agree that the
highlighted statement suggests
an explanation for some of Gerstmann's observations.
2.The author of the passage describes the "2005 experiment"
and its results primarily in order to
support a hypothesis about a significant association between
parts of the brain related to fingers and to numbers.
◆0422GRE阅读第四篇命中:Egg Production 下蛋
1.The passage suggests that biologists who say egg production
in birds is biologically highly costly would agree that
clutch size is determined primarily by
The nutritional and energy demands of egg production.
2.The passage suggests that Lack would agree with which of
the following statements about factors affecting clutch
size in birds?
(Consider each of the choices separately and select all
that apply.)
In altricial species, clutch size is determined primarily
by factors operating after eggs are laid.
In many bird species, clutch size generally remains well
below the potential limit of egg production.
◆0422GRE阅读第五篇命中:Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林
1.Which of the following best describes the function of
the highlighted sentence?
It explains Franklin's reputation in terms of a broad
scholarly phenomenon.
2.Emerson is mentioned in the passage primarily to
Elaborate on a view of Franklin that the author takes
issue with.
◆0422GRE阅读第六篇命中:Massive Projectiles 巨大射体
1.According to the passage, which of the following is true
of the collisions mentioned in the highlighted sentence?
They result in the complete destruction of the impacting body.
2.The author of the passage asserts which of the following
about titanic collision models?
Such models are so tempting that they run the risk of being
used indiscriminately to explain unusual planetary features.
3.The passage suggests that which of the following is true of
the cited "compounds and elements"?
They are present on Earth but not on the Moon.
4.In the second paragraph, the author is primarily
concerned with
Arguing in favor of a particular theory about the formation
of the Earth- Moon system.
◆0422GRE阅读第七篇命中:Confederacy of Southern States
美国南部联盟 (本篇英文原题请见上面连结下载哦!)
1.The primary purpose of the passage is to
Trace the evolution of a particular area of historical study
2.The passage suggests that "some Civil War historians" would
probably agree with which of the following statements about
Southern Unionists?
Their political allegiance must be understood in relation to
specific local factors that affected their lives during the
Civil War period.
3.The passage suggests which of the following about histories
of the Civil War written before 1930?
Most offered little analysis of the lives and motives of
Southern Unionists.
4.Which of the following best describes the function of the
highlighted sentence?
It identifies a tendency in Civil War scholarship that more
recent scholarship has moved away from.
▲ 填空
◆填空命中真经班:By pointing out the self-serving……
【真经班字源】disingenuous : a.不诚实的;虚伪的,
< dis-:not 否定字首 > + ingenuous(a. 正直的;天真的)
→ 不正直的 → 不真诚的
◆填空命中真经班:With the numerous opponents……
【真经班字源】deject : v.使沮丧;使灰心,<de-:down 向下>
+ < -ject:throw 投掷 > → 向下投掷 → 心情下坠 → 使沮丧
◆填空命中真经班:World demand for oil……
【真经班解答】(i) slowed (ii) drag on
【真经班字源】slacken : v. 减弱,< -lak = -lax:loose 松开 >
+ < -en:动词字尾 > → 使变松 → 使缓解 → 减缓
◆填空命中真经班:As the pace of the trial……
【真经班解答】(i) accelerated (ii) rebuffed
【真经班字源】rebuff : n./v. 粗暴拒绝,< -buff:buffet 打击 >
→ 粗暴打击别人 → 粗暴拒绝别人
◆填空命中真经班:There has been……
【真经班解答】(i)only anecdotal evidence for (ii) buttressed
【真经班字源】anecdote : n. 轶事;趣闻,< an- = a-:not > +
< -ec = -ex:外 > + < -dote:give 给 > → 没有给出去的消息
→ 轶事
◆填空命中真经班:To get founding……
【真经班解答】(i) eye-catching (ii) striking
(iii) yield contradictory evidenc
【真经班字源】striking : a. 引人注意的,stroke(n. 打;击)
→ 令人受到打击的 →惊人的 → 引人注意的
◆填空命中真经班:Given our species' increasing……
【真经班解答】(i) now-flourishing (ii) obligatory
(iii) jettisoned
【真经班字源】obligatory : a. 必须的;义务的,< ob-:to > +
<-lig:bind 绑 > → 绑住你去做某事 → 内心所感受到有责任 →
义务的 → 必须的
◆填空命中真经班:Individuals, governments……
【真经班解答】hamstring = impair
【真经班字源】hamstring : v. 使难有作为,ham(n. 后腿)+
string(n. 筋)→ 切断后腿筋 → 无法自由行动 → 使难有作为
◆填空命中真经班:Even though the man……
【真经班解答】ingenuous = simple
【真经班字源】ingenuous : a.天真坦率的;缺乏老练的,<in 朝…>
+ < -gen:gene 基因 > → 一生下来就如此的 → 天真的。
◆填空命中真经班:Since the data……
【真经班解答】meager = paltry
◆填空命中真经班:The writer's assignment……
【真经班解答】aspersions = slurs
▲ 数学 同学回报
1. 长方形切三条线,最多有几块区域?
2. 6个八折的商品总合为某数,求商品原价?
3. x + y = 8x + 22 ,请问x y一定满足哪一条件?
4. 两个骰子连续掷出总和为 5的机率为何?
5. A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ,B = {6,7,8,9,10} ,在A中任选一个数和
6. 1 - 1000(有包含) 中,5的倍数、7的倍数、5和7的倍数共有几个?
7. X一定是奇数,Y一定是偶数,W不一定,问五个选项中哪个一定是奇数?
8. 给本金的值跟本利和减本金后的值要你算simple interest rate 是多少%?
9. 5 8 9 9 9 共五张牌,请问任取两张相乘数为3的倍数的机率为多少?
11.1/x + 1/y=3, x+y=?
有几 % 的公司同意。
表内提高售价是41%,题说有75% 会真正执行那有几家会执行?
13. 1+1/2+1/4+1/8)^-1
16.某个州原来的税收是5%,去年的tax revenue有150,000,000,试问若将税收
调整至5.5%,那去年的tax revenue会增加多?
19.三角形三外角各以半径为二画弧,问面积 ?
20.有一个slope L 跟X轴交在正的地方且斜率为2,请问和者跟他相交在X轴上方?
21.有两个10cent,一个5cent 翻到正面的机率皆为0.5,请问翻到正面的币值
23.{1,2,3,4,5} 跟 {6,7,8,9,10} 从两个各取一,可以有几种数字?
▲ 写作
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