[分享] 最新<161012 GRE机经真题整理>

楼主: liamasso (字神帝国)   2016-10-29 16:10:12
【最新161012 GRE机经真题整理】
▲ 阅读
1012 GRE阅读:总共命中四篇阅读真经班原题(共13题)
◆ 1012 GRE阅读第一篇命中:DMS二甲基硫 (本篇英文原题请见上面连结下载哦!)
1. According to the passage, which of the following occurs as a result
of cooling in the upper layers of the ocean?
The nutrient supply at the surface of the ocean is replenished.
2. Which of the following is most similar to the role played by marine
algae in the global climate control system proposed by Lovelock?
A thermostat that automatically controls an air-conditioning system.
3. The passage mentions the possible benefit to algae of nitrogen falling
down in the rain most likely in order to
Provide support for Lovelock's response to an objection mentioned
in the passage.
◆ 1012 GRE阅读第二篇命中:Blues Poetry 蓝调诗歌
1. The primary purpose of the passage is to
refute an accepted view of Hughes' blues poetry style
2. The author of the passage uses the highlighted quotation primarily to
highlighted the difficulties faced by writers of blues poetry
3. It can be inferred from the passage that, as compared with the
language of "Golden Brown Blues,"the language of"Young Gal's Blues"is
more colloquial
4. According to the passage, Hughes' blues poetry and classic blues
are similar in which of the following ways?
both are written down
◆ 1012 GRE阅读第三篇命中:Birds Sing 鸟儿歌唱
1. The passage suggests that the "other birds are unresponsive"
primarily as a result of the
Lack of sufficient light for certain social behaviors.
2. The highlighted sentence performs which of the following functions?
(Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.)
It suggests an answer to a question that is raised earlier
in the passage.
It augments the explanation proposed by Kacelnik.
◆ 1012 GRE阅读第四篇命中:Dissenting Minority 异议少数
1. The passage is primarily concerned with
Describing a reformulation of a traditional interpretation.
2. The author would be most likely to agree with which of the
following about Gerteis' formulation of the "Growth" interpretation?
It is more convincing than the traditional version of the
"Growth" interpretation.
3. The passage supports which of the following statements about
the "Growth" interpretation?
It was once very influential in antislavery historiography
and has recently been reformulated.
4. Which of the following, if true, would provide the LEAST support
for Gerteis' arguments as they are discussed in the passage?
Owing to their different party allegiances, Northern reformers
who shared utilitarian values did not join together in important
collective actions against slavery.
▲ 填空
◆填空命中真经班:In a production process....
◆填空命中真经班:The children's mercurial....
◆填空命中真经班:In an ironic twist....
◆填空命中真经班:Having regarded Marcus relationship....
◆填空命中真经班:There has been great.....
【真经班解答】(i)exuberance (ii)tempered
【真经班字源】exuberant:a. 丰富的;繁茂的;兴高采烈的,
< ex-:thoroughly 彻底地 > + < -uber:fertile 多产的 >
→ (植物)繁茂的 → 丰富的 → 精力很多的 → 兴高采烈的。
◆填空命中真经班:As cheaper imports drove....
【真经班解答】(i)flourished (ii)insulate
【真经班字源】insulate : v. 与不良影响隔绝来提供保护,
< insul-:island 岛 > → 岛屿 → 四周被海洋环绕 →
与其他陆地隔绝于外 → 与不良影响隔绝来提供保护。
◆填空命中真经班:While acknowledging....
【真经班解答】(i) unethical (ii) skullduggery
【真经班字源】skullduggery : n. 诡诈;欺骗,adultery(n. 通奸)
→ 欺骗伴侣 → 诡诈;欺骗
◆填空命中真经班:In the discussions on.....
【真经班解答】(i) contentious (ii) foundered on
【真经班字源】founder : v. 失败;垮掉;崩溃,
<found- = fund-:base 基础 >→底下→将敌人打倒在地→完全失败;崩溃
◆填空命中真经班:It's best to.....
【真经班解答】(i) best (ii) no solid evidence (iii) potent
◆填空命中真经班:His new role gives.....
【真经班解答】(i) forbearance (ii) madcap (iii) reserved
【真经班字源】madcap : a. 鲁莽的;冲动的,mad(a. 狂乱的)+
<-cap:head 头 > → 头脑狂乱的→做事没想清楚的→鲁莽的;冲动的
◆填空命中真经班:For decades H experience.....
【真经班解答】(i)called out for (ii)finally (iii)scholarly objectivity
【真经班字源】scholarly : a. 学术的;学问精深的,
school(n. 学院)→ 在学院里作的研究 →学术的→学问精深的。
◆填空命中真经班:Because archaeology explores.....
【真经班解答】untethered from = divorced from
【真经班字源】untether : v. 脱离;从绳或炼上解开,
<un- :not > + tether ( v. 用绳锁栓住或束缚限制)
◆填空命中真经班:Song,speech,and music....(本篇英文原题请见上面连结下载哦!)
【真经班解答】characteristic = emblematic
【真经班字源】emblematic : a. 标志的;象征的;典型的,
emboss(v. 在…上作浮雕图案 )→ emblem (最早指欧洲贵族家族的)标志;象征
◆填空命中真经班:Our mass media....(本篇英文原题请见上面连结下载哦!)
【真经班解答】cursory = perfunctory
【真经班字源】cursory : a.粗略的;草率的,< cur-:run 跑 >
→ 快速的 → 粗略、草率的。
◆填空命中真经班:For parents, the pleasure of.....
【真经班解答】unalloyed = unqualified
【真经班字源】unalloyed : a. 纯粹的;全然的,< -un:否定字首 > +
alloy:< al- = ad-:to > + < -loy = lig-:bind 绑 > → 绑在一起
→ 熔在一起 → 合金。
◆填空命中真经班:My grandma has a strong.....
【真经班解答】numinous = occult
【真经班字源】numinous : a. 神秘的;超自然的,< numin-:nod 点头 >
+ < -ous:形容词字尾 > →神明点头答应的→超自然的→神秘的。
◆填空命中真经班:The sluggish nature of.....
【真经班解答】sluggish = dilatory
【真经班字源】dilatory:a.慢的;拖延的,defer(v.推迟 →拖延的→迟缓的
◆填空命中真经班:They applaud the musicals .....
【真经班解答】cheerless = gloomy
【真经班字源】gloomy : a. 忧郁的;令人沮丧的,(sullen a. 阴沈的)
→ 忧郁的;令人沮丧的。
◆填空命中真经班:Anne Carson's book Nox.....
【真经班解答】a cumbersome = an unwieldy
【真经班字源】cumbersome : a. 笨重的;累赘的,< cumb- = cub-:lie 躺 >
+ < -some:"具有…倾向的"的字尾 > → 躺卧不动的 → 笨重的。
◆填空命中真经班:Peoples' decisions about....
【真经班解答】flummoxed = confounded
【真经班字源】flummox : v. 使狼狈;使混乱;使仓皇失措,
< fl-:fly 飞 > → 振翅 → 胡乱拍打 → 使混乱;迷惑。
◆填空命中真经班:Scientists should hope.......
【真经班解答】discovered by = discerned by
【真经班字源】discern : v. 分辨;辨明,< dis-:away 去除 >
+ < -cern:sieve筛选 > → 经筛选去无存菁 → 分辨好坏 。
◆填空命中真经班:The concert hall's suspended....
【真经班解答】diffuse = spread
【真经班字源】diffuse : v. 扩散;传播,a. 冗长的;散乱的,
< dif- = dis-:apart 分离 > + < -fuse:pour 倒 > → 倾倒下去后,
弥漫开来 → 扩散的。
◆填空命中真经班:Miller reminded his client......
【真经班解答】antagonistic = adversarial
【真经班字源】adversary : n. 敌手;对手,< ad-:to > +
< -vers:turn 转 > → 转往反方向 → 立场和你相反的人 → 对手;敌手
◆填空命中真经班:After continuously rising........
【真经班解答】lull = respite
【真经班字源】lull : n. 暂停,拟声字:母亲哄小孩时发出啦啦的声音
→lullaby (n. 摇篮曲) → 使小孩镇静、停止哭闹 → 暂停。
◆填空命中真经班:In matters of taste.......
【真经班解答】extremist = zealot
◆其他考出单字: ubiquitous、omnipresent、discredited 、eviscerate、
▲ 逻辑
◆1012逻辑命中真经班:Benovians set their clocks........
1.Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?
In Benovia, hazards to safe driving that are made worse by darkness
are as likely to occur in the morning as in the evening.
◆逻辑命中真经班:Vitamin E 维他命E.........
1.Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Any boost in the level of the alpha form in a person's body
will tend to suppress the level of the gamma form in that
person's body.
▲ 数学:同学回报 (更多同学回报内容请见上面连结下载哦!)
◆考利率问题,A: 200 存三年得利息 50,B: 600 存两年得利息 90,
比较A, B利率大小
◆List A: 5、 9、 7、 13、 19,
List B: 5-d、 9-d、 7-d、 13-d、 19-d,比较 List A,B的标准差
▲ 写作
[28、38、81] 命中GRE作文黄宝书10月号
[06、14、39 ] 命中GRE作文黄宝书10月号
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