4 其他与字母A相关的重要词汇
adj. appropriate; suitable; fitting (恰当的,贴切的); having a tendency to do
something; inclined; likely (倾向于的;易于); quick to learn;
clever (聪明的,反应灵敏的)
【衍生词】aptitude n. 倾向;才能;资质;聪颖;适当
【常用词组】an aptitude test 性向测验,智能测验
v. to enlarge; to expand (扩大,放大);to develop more fully (详述);to
increase or to intensify (power, sound, etc.) (增强电流等)
【推测词义】使变得更大 (make larger or stronger),就是“放大,扩大”。
【衍生词】ample adj. plentiful , abundant (充足的,丰富的)
adj. concerned with beauty (美的;美学的);appreciating beauty and beautiful
things ((指人)爱美的,有审美眼光的);pleasing;tasteful;artistic;showing
good taste ((指物)令人喜爱的,有美感的)
【衍生词】aesthetics n. the study of beauty in art and nature (美学);
philosophy of beauty or taste (审美学;美的哲学