v. to encourage or help, especially in wrongdoing; to instigate; to incite;
to urge on (唆使;煽动,怂恿)
ad + bet
a + bet[d deletion]
to + bait
【衍生词】abettor n. inciter, instigator (教唆者,煽动者)
【常用词组】to abet an ill-doer 助纣为虐
to aid and abet ((法律) 教唆作案;共谋)
v. to make (a meeting, period of time,etc.) shorter; to contract; to retrench;
to curtail (缩短(会议,期限等),削减),summarize; epitomize; condense (将文章
ad + bridg + e
a + bridg + e[d deletion]
to + short + v.
→缩短 → 削减。
【衍生词】abridged adj. synoptic (节略的,摘要的)
abridg(e)ment n. 缩短;删节;摘要版
【常用词组】(a) to abridge a report (报告作简要的叙述)
(b) an abridged edition 节录本
【常用例句】a. The book is abridged from the original work.
b. An abridgement is a shortened or condensed work.
adj. very able or skilled; cleverly skillful;highly competent ; dexterous;
deft(灵巧的,熟练的);resourceful (in handling difficult conditions)(足智多谋
临机应变的) ; ingenious; clever ((处事)精明的)
ad + droit
a + droit[d deletion]
to + right
【推测词义】借自古法语a droit,其中a为“朝向”之意,droit为“右方”之意,所以
【衍生词】adroitness n. 灵巧
adroitly adv. 灵巧地,熟练地