Those who read Empson's correspondence for the first time may be disappointed
that so much of it is professional rather than personal, but the distinction
in this case is _____: every letter bears the full stamp of Empson's
A unambiguous
B artificial
C significant
D spurious
E clear-cut
F unique
考满分的答案给 BD,我选 AE
我不太理解选 BD 的逻辑,题目中的 but 有没有加深对比的效果?
Although Uruk in southern Mesopotamia has been (i)_____ as being both the
first city and the model for later cones, at least two sites in northern
Mesopotamia have yielded clear evidence of urbanization long before the
existing evidence from Uruk, and other discoveries indicate that some of the
(ii)_____ early urbanism were invented not in southern Mesopotamia but in the
north. These findings have led some archaeologists to (iii)_____ a serious
reconsideration about when and where the first cities arose.
A established D defining features of G evaluate
B contested E derivative aspects of H ignore
C presented F traditional theories about I propose
考满分答案给 ADI
其中 A 的感觉怪怪的