konil (Q仔)
2014-09-27 14:54:20大家好:
多次打扰, 不好意思!
P207. 13.
A certain five-number committee must be assembled from a pool of five women-
A, B, C, D, E, and three men-X, Y, Z, what is the probability that the
committee will include B, C, E, Y, and Z?
Ans: 1/30
P274. 12.
House price Number of Houses
$ 100,000-133,000 12
$ 134,000-166,000 25
$ 167,000-199,000 8
Tha table show the distribution of prices of 45 houses for sale in a certain
region. Select two of following choices and place them in the blanks below the
resulting statment is true.
$175,000 $185,000 $190,000 at most $42,000 at least $57,000
If the highest price of the 45 houses is _______, then the range of the prices
of the 45 houses is_______.
Ans: the first blank is 190,000, and the second blank is at least $57,000
这题应该很简单但我不知道怎么求出答案, 可能题目没看懂。