xination (XINATION)
2013-12-10 13:06:47好久没在这边发文啦
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/29531651 for page 449
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/26668775 for 之前的讲解
adj. 踏着高跷的; 矫揉造作的 [unnatural; artificial ]
ex. "How are you doing", " I am doing good." This kind of routine
conversation over cashiers at grocery stores is short and friendly. I don't
think we should have a very formal and long conversation which just looks
stilted for filling the time while checking out.
etymology: stilt 与 stand是有关联性的唷,比较好玩的是stilt这个字,过去有指的
note: stilt walker
note: stilted arch
stimul(to stick)-us
n.使生物体产生反应之物 [thing that produces a reaction in living things]
ex. In spring the warm temperature, moisture, and longer day time act as
stimuli to make plants grow quickly.
ex. I drink a cup of coffee as an stimulus for keeping awake.
ex. Central bank decreases interest rates and that brings a strong stimulus
to the current flagging market.
note: 复数型 stimuli
note: simulate v.模拟 (字根 simul = similar 相似)
note: stimulant 与 stimulus 经常被交替来使用,但是stimulant常在用于drug,或
chemical material 上
ex. Adrenalin is a stimulant for the heart.
ex. Caffeine is a very common stimulant, and so common that many people
have addiction on it.
v.刺伤 [to pierce or wound with a poisonous or irritating process]
note: 最常使用的就是被昆虫刺伤,像是蜜蜂、蚂蚁、蝎子。水母也可以,还有也可
ex. I was stung by ants when accidentally stepping on a red ant hole. That
was pretty hurt.
ex. When we broke up, he gave really stinging remarks to me. "I hate you",
" I should have never met you"... That takes years for me to forget those
note. sting n. 还有个很经常使用的意思,那就是警方为了抓坏人而设下的圈套,可
adj.吝啬的 [ spending, using or giving unwillingly ]
note: sting 本身的意思是针,字源上是有"sharp"的意思,而tip上的本来就是少少的
ex. My wife is so stingy. When I asked for increasing the allowance by $50
a week, she complained all the week. So I gave up.
note: stingy 这个形容词,是个非常general、他和"mean"是最常用来指"吝啬的"的形
容词。我们之前还有学过一些形容词,例如:parsimonious, miserly. 他们是些有特色
parsimonious = super stingy.
ex. My boss is parsimonious about tips for waiters. It seems like even
giving one penny will kill him.
miserly = 即使必需品也很不愿买地吝啬
ex. This man is miserly with his money. When he gets sick, he donsn't go
to see any doctor. He never holds a party, but frequently goes to other
people's parties to take free food.
ex. Generosity leads to a rich life. Stinginess leads to a poor life.
n.一段时期 [a period of time spent doing something]
note: stint 有两个主要的字义,在新闻中会比较常出现当做"a period of time", 类
似 term的意思。
ex. The president Obama approved the Obama care in his first stint, now the
real challenge comes in his second stint.
ex. I will study in U.S. in a five-year stint.
v.吝惜 [to be sparing or frugal] ( skimp)
ex. She stinted herself of food in order to let the children have enough.
ex. We hope that you will not stint your criticism.
v.讲明, 规定 [ state (sth) clearly and firmly as a requirement ]
note: stipulate是较正式的用法,多使用在条约、协商之中,一般我们可以说
ex. Apple Inc. stipulated that the defect rate of Retina display screen has
to less than 1%. Otherwise they wouldn't place the orders.
ex. The NBA stipulates one team has to pay luxury tax once its team payroll
exceeds the salary cap.
n. [a condition, demand, or promise in an agreement or contract.]
ex. With a special stipulation for protecting companies, employees are
frequently required not to work for competitors after quitting.
ex. The lower rate wireless plans will come with the usual stipulation of
agreeing to a two-year contract.
v.搅拌 [move a spoon, etc round and round in (a liquid or some other
ex. He adds the cream and sugar into coffee, and slightly stirs it as if
time also slows down its pace.
note: stir 的字源,据说是跟storm有关连,都是指一种扰动。因此当然就有指轻微的
ex. Palm trees stir in the soft breeze from the sea.
v. 激发、鼓励
ex. His success of getting an admission in an excellent college stirs many
poor but diligent students.
ex. My legs got injured from a car accident and I had 6 stitches in the
ex. This app can automatically stitch pictures into a panorama without any
hassle setting. Users just enjoy taking pictures.
n. 存货 [If a shop stocks particular goods, it keeps a supply of them to
ex. when you see the sign " in stock" on Amazon website, it means Amazon
has the product, and it can handle and send your order right away.
ex. The new released iPhone is so popular, I visit three retail stores but
none of them has a iPhone in stock.
note: 当动词时,就可以指累积存货
ex. He stocks food and water in the typhoon season.
n. 股票
ex. The price on the stock market was predicted to be going down when
A-bian won the second president election.
ex. The price on the stock market soared and hit a history-record in 2000
just before the dot-com bubble burst.
etymology: stock 最早最早的意思是跟"树干"有关系的,而后来演变出了相当多的意思
*家世 ex. a woman of Irish stock
n.栅栏 (防御用的)
ex. Wooden posts are the common material for stockades. Ancient people use
stockades to protect their houses, or just for the purpose of setting a clear
fun: iron-clad