[分享] GMAT SC 不完美的正确答案

楼主: davinlin6666 (tereyaki)   2019-12-10 20:18:42
FB 完整版: https://reurl.cc/0zlVkM
Hi,我是Davin,Donz GMAT 咨询顾问。每次在咨询或影片之中,我总是说SC的检讨是连同
Like the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth, to gather
information about its size and curvature of its surface, new observations
have been made by astronomers that show with startling directness the
large-scale geometry of the universe.
(A)Like the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth, to gather
information about its size and curvature of its surface, new observations
have been made by astronomers
(B)Like the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth for gathering
information about its size and also the curvature of its surface, new
observations have been made by astronomers
(C)Similar to the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth, where
they gathered information about its size and the curvature of its surface,
astronomers have made new observations
(D)Like the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth gathering
information about its size and the curvature of its surface, astronomers have
made new observations
(E)Just as with the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth,
gathering information about its size and curvature of the surface,
astronomers have made new observations
2.(C)选项句首使用similar to来形成比较两个名词的结构是错误的。(虽然很久以前是
对的,但现在GMAT都认定这是错的。Ron:There are times when similar to is
3.(E)选项Just as with X..., Y...,不平行,且常见惯用语:Just as+句子, so+句子

information about…”前面不加逗号,形成了”无comma+Ving”的分词修饰型态,修饰
紧邻的名词,但修饰Earth根本不合理,毕竟地球不会自己gathering information。
依照GMAT SC的规则:如果要修饰前方句子,则必须在句子后面加入逗号 (comma)并使用
Ving! 而如果没有加入逗号,则修饰对象则为紧临的名词。
For example:
John talked to Helen, asking for help. (John was asking for help)
John talked to Helen asking for help. (Helen was asking for help) (虽然这样句
所以很明显,GMAT 在正确答案 (D) 上,出现了瑕疵 (连GMAT大神Ron也对此题颇有微词)
。不过同学在考场中,必须专注于选出 “best answer”,在其他答案错误更严重的情形
下,我们还是必须选 (D)。

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