Re: [问题] 请问一题CR

楼主: ndxica   2018-05-21 11:20:09
※ 引述《Stumas (Fenway Park)》之铭言:
: [CR] 请问一题 CR
: Often patients with ankle fractures that are stable, and thus do not require
: surgery, are given follow-up x-rays because their orthopedists are concerned
: about possibly having misjudged the stability of the fracture. When a number
: of follow-up x-rays were reviewed, however, all the fractures that had
: initially been judged stable were found to have healed correctly. Therefore,
: it is a waste of money to order follow-up x-rays of ankle fracture initially
: judged stable.
: Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
: A. Doctors who are general practitioners rather than orthopedists are less
: likely than orthopedists to judge the stability of an ankle fracture
: correctly.
: B. Many ankle injuries for which an initial x-ray is ordered are revealed by
: the x-ray not to involve any fracture of the ankle.
: C. X-rays of patients of many different orthopedists working in several
: hospitals were reviewed.
: D. The healing of ankle fractures that have been surgically repaired is
: always checked by means of a follow-up x-ray.
: E. Orthopedists routinely order follow-up x-rays for fractures of bone other
: than ankle bones.
: (OA防雷)
: 答案 (C),但我怎么看好像跟题目都没关联性啊,有人可以解释吗?
经过 X-Ray 进一步诊断之后,也是一样正常的情形。
所以 X-Ray 是没必要 (浪费钱) 的。
(C) X-Ray 的检查包含了许多不同医院的骨科医生的报告

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