[问题] PP DS题

楼主: nuer0225 (Nuer)   2016-12-22 10:58:43
To fill an order on schedule, a manufacturer had to produce 1,000 tools
per day for n days. What is the value of n ?
(1) Because of production problems, the manufacturer produced only 600
tools per day during the first 5 days.
(2) Because of production problems, the manufacturer had to produce 1,500
tools per day on each of the last 4 days in order to meet the schedule.
这题的答案是E 但我想问C
我的想法是 (1) (2) 结合的话
1000n =600*5+1500*4+1000(n-4-5)
因此可得出唯一解 我实在想了很久不知到哪边鬼遮眼了
在麻烦大家了 谢谢!!
作者: LittleRiver (小河~)   2016-12-22 12:27:00
你的算式是恒等式喔 还是无法得到n而且他没有说除了这4天或5天外 剩下的每天做1000
作者: reko076 (Apostol好难)   2016-12-22 14:40:00

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