[机经] A2GMAT 本月修辞机经难题类似题补充!

楼主: tootoobenee (A级垂耳兔)   2014-07-09 15:16:38
本月考到了比较结构高分区的考点, 事实与预期比较, 各位同学一定要参考以下题目练习
, 祝大家考试顺利!
5)…… is xxer than ( )
A it is predicted
B as was predicted
C it was predicted to be
D as was predicted
要补出,特别注意than前句应该是走S + be动词结构,后面的it was
152. (33101-!-item-!-188;#058&006547) KEY: B
Recent research indicates that two popular arthritis drugs are
possibly not as safe as they initially believed.
(A) that two popular arthritis drugs are possibly not as safe as
they initially believed
(B) that two popular arthritis drugs may not be as safe as they
were initially believed to be
(C) two popular arthritis drugs to possibly not be as safe as it
was initially believed
(D) the safety of two popular arthritis drugs may not be as great
as it was initially believed
(E) the safety of two popular arthritis drugs not to be as great
as they were initially believed to be
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