2014-04-04 13:45:41※ 引述《tim60288 (努力溃击)》之铭言:
: 1. Used by many natural history museum curators in the preparation of animal
: skeletons for display, "dermestid beetles feed on the decaying flesh of animal
: carcasses, pulling" with its mouthparts to strip the bone of any residual fat
: or muscle tissue.
: (C) the dermestid beetle feeds on the decaying flesh of animal carcasses
: in order to pull
: (D) the dermestid beetle feeds on the decaying flesh of animal carcasses,
: pulling
: 当时没看懂句意就选了 (C)
: 请问除了句意之外有什么点可以删除(C)吗?
可以看pulling这个动作的逻辑主语, 应该是抓到beetle, in order to表目的逻辑主语
不会是beetle, 而是前面整件事
: 2. The earliest English settlers in Virginia failed to survive their first
: winter in the New World because of factors such as inadequate food supplies,
: harsh weather, and "an inability" to communicate with Native Americans.
: (A) an inability
: (E) lacking an ability
: 答案(A) 但选到了 (E)
: Such as Adj+N, Adj+N, and "Adj+N" 直觉反应这样就删掉了(A) : (
: 还是只是单纯 N 平衡然后 an inability 优于 lacking an ability
: 感谢 : )
所谓平衡并没有要求完全对称, 对等连接词只要求词性上的平衡, 并没有要求对称,
当然越对称是越好, 但是这是好坏问题(clarify), 不是对错问题(correctness),
所以只要三个名词平衡即可, 三个名词在平衡时, 一般性的名词像是supplies是比较
属静态的概念, lacking an ability是强调动作的动名词, 平衡上会输给an inability