Lyotard (非人)
2009-04-04 15:21:58Sim AI 的调整。
- We've been working on finding a good balance for run blocking.
This season's version was a bit too strong and runners too good at
falling forward for extra yards. Too much cheese-running going on
at the moment.
这一季的 run blocking 太威了点,动不动就送出松饼。问题是,送
出松饼的位置错误也没用。 Lead block 长年的问题听说是解决了,
外侧跑阵中充满动态, 需要大量判断的 block 是否解决则是未知。
为了外侧跑阵的问题,这一季我甚至把 pitch play 都拔掉,以防大
量的 TFL。Elusive 一直被说弱主要也是这个原因。跑阵不能只靠跑
锋个人能力,block 也是很重要的,这方面的模拟还需要加强,若只
另外被 tackle 后往前倒的码数也会改进,不像这一季被抓到了之后
跑锋会忽然变成鲁夫,你就看他在画面上向前瞬间移动。 Dive 很重
-MUCH improved lead blocking dynamics - I finally figured out the
cause of the age old random runaway bug, and we now have an improved
waypoint system to guide the lead blocker.
-Many running plays have been updated to have a better handoff point,
or use a new system of "hotspots" that guide the ball carrier with a
bit more freedom to avoid tacklers, as opposed to heading for a set
x/y point.
Lead block 希望是真的有改进,不要再有那种场上游魂组。 像这样
FB 与 TE 蛮重要的。
Handoff 的点也有所改善,这些对外侧跑阵都会有帮助。
-Jumping, diving, low catches show up in PBP output. Balls that are
knocked loose after a catch now show up in the PBP as "knocked loose"
and count as a drop for the WR.
接球的状况会显示出来,这样就可以知道关于 WR 等所拥有 SA 的执
-LB's will no longer be omnicient when choosing who to cover in man
to man. If a LB's job is TE, he will cover the TE and not automatically
go over to double the WR. The LB will then have to make a vision check
to decide to play run or play pass, that gets easier and easier to pass
as the play goes on. His pass/run focus tactics will dictate which way
he leans. The LB will also no longer drift slowy toward his zone when
in zone. He'll step forward or stand still while scanning the play,
and then make his move to zone or run defense.
因应防守的进一步设计,LB 之后也不会全知全能, 在场上自动判断
要去盯谁了。 如果他的工作是防守 TE,他就会乖乖跟着 TE 跑,而
不会知道要去包夹 WR。接着 LB 的 Vis. 会影响到他对于这个 play
是跑阵还是传球的判断。 LB 的个人设定(Pass/Run Focus)也会影
响到他的倾向。先前 LB 缓缓移向看守区域然后反应场上状况(有时
我决定在下一季用 FB Pass 把对手玩到爆 :P