[写作] 戴尔美语练功坊 英检翻译实用句型(4/20)

楼主: allenglish (小英之,得奖者不得要求 )   2014-04-21 17:22:04
戴尔美语练功坊 英检翻译实用句型(4/20)
翻译实用句型: 可当名词的词类
1. 名词
2. 代名词
(1) it当虚主词或虚受词
a. 代替不定词词组
例1: To live overseas is challenging.
= It is challenging to live overseas.
例2: 适应一个国家的气候,文化,与食物需要时间。
It takes time to adapt oneself to a country's climate,
culture, and food.
b. 代替that子句(名词子句)
例1: That he finally settled down is good.
= It is good that he finally settled down.
例2: 没有机会访台真是一大遗憾。
It is a pity that we don't have a chance to visit Taiwan.
例3: 我已经养成早起的习惯。
I make it a rule to get up early.
例2: 我认为多结交当地人为友是必要的。
I consider it necessary to make friends with local people.
(2) that/ those代替出现过得主词或受词
例1: The color of this car is more beautiful than that of that car.
例2: 台湾的气候比澳洲溼润。
The climate in Taiwan is more humid than that in Australia.
3. 动名词
例1: Reading English magazines is fun. (阅读英文杂志真有趣。)
例2: 你经常迟到令人恼怒。
Your often coming late is annoying.
4. 不定词词组
1. 不定词:to + V
(1) 当名词: 通常表意愿或尚未完成的事。
例1: To pass the exam is my goal. 通过考试是我的目标。
例2: __________________________________is my dream.
*常连用名词: plan (计画), decision (决定), determination (决定)
, proposal (建议), attempt (企图), goal (目标), aim (目标),
wish (希望), hope (希望), dream (梦想), ideal (理想)…等。
例1: It is interesting __________ (surf) the Internet. (上网很有趣。)
例2: I want to take a walk. (我想去散散步。)
5. 名词子句
一. 名词子句 (位于_____词前后/______词后)
1. what / who + 不完整句 (少S或O)
2. that/where/when/how/why/whether/if ..+ 完整句(不少S或O)
例1: I consider that you should make up your mind immediately.
例2: Tell me whether you will come to the party.
例3: This is _________he wants. /what
例4: ______ he works is still unknown. /Where
例5: I'm curious about _____ he can manage the crisis. /how
例6: I am sure of the fact ________ Ted has won the game. /that
6. 名词词组
where / when / how / why 等 + to v (不少受词)
what / who + to v (少受词)
例1: Excuse me, I'd like to know how to get to the museum.
例2: 在台湾,你不用担心要吃什么,因为各地都有美食。
You don't have to worry about what to eat in Taiwan
because there is delicious food everywhere.

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