看了最近勇士的表现 可以说是不断突破下限
被弱队爆打 对强队的抵抗力比坦队还不如
摊开阵容 真的有那么差吗? 原因又是什么? 其实很明显
本来想写一篇讨论 刚好今天 reddit(r/nba)上有一篇分析文
几乎把我想讲的都讲了 那干脆借花献佛 重点翻译 大家参考参考
The 2021 Warriors are the worst team in the NBA when Steph
isn't on the court. And those numbers are still inflated,
because Steph is already carrying the majority of the Wiseman minutes,
and playing against the other team's best players.
2021勇士当curry不在场时是NBA最弱的球队 这还已经是curry扛着智将
If we take Steph off this team, we may be looking at,
far and away, the worst team in basketball. Worse Than 2020?
The 2021 Warriors are 1-7 without Steph.
This is perhaps unsurprising